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Schema Types


Query objects from AQtive Guard.

Field Argument Type Description
node Node Root object to query
id ID! The ID of the object
viewer User! Logged in user
traceTypes [TraceType] List of the existing trace types.
analyzerRules [AnalyzerRule!] List of analyzer rules
profileType ProfileType!
version String Cap version


Field Argument Type Description
analyze AnalyzePayload Analyze a trace with a given profile.
input AnalyzeInput!
authorizeJiraIntegration AuthorizeJiraIntegrationPayload Authorize Jira Integration configuration and receive a request token and secret
input AuthorizeJiraIntegrationInput!
cancelJiraExport CancelJiraExportPayload Cancel JIRA Export.
input CancelJiraExportInput!
cancelReportExceptionsCacheUpdate CancelReportExceptionsCacheUpdatePayload Cancels the scheduled job to update the exceptions cache of a report
input CancelReportExceptionsCacheUpdateInput!
cancelScan CancelScanPayload Scan hosts via CrowdStrike
input CancelScanInput!
changePassword ChangePasswordPayload Changes the password of the current user
input ChangePasswordInput!
checkJiraExport CheckJiraExportPayload Test Jira Configuration for Export
input CheckJiraExportInput!
checkJiraIntegration CheckJiraIntegrationPayload Test Jira integration connection
input CheckJiraIntegrationInput!
checkTaniumComputerGroup CheckTaniumComputerGroupPayload Test Tanium Computer Group
input CheckTaniumComputerGroupInput!
checkTaniumIntegration CheckTaniumIntegrationPayload Test Tanium integration connection
input CheckTaniumIntegrationInput!
checkVenafiIntegration CheckVenafiIntegrationPayload Test Venafi integration connection
input CheckVenafiIntegrationInput!
createLocalUser CreateLocalUserPayload Create a new local user.
input CreateLocalUserInput!
createProject CreateProjectPayload Create a new project.
input CreateProjectInput!
createProjectException CreateProjectExceptionPayload Creates an exception for a project
input CreateProjectExceptionInput!
createSlot CreateSlotPayload Create a new Slot.
input CreateSlotInput!
createStreamUpload CreateStreamUploadPayload Generate form data and URL method for use in the trace stream upload request. The upload endpoint is a S3-like object storage service and the form data is just for one-time use.
input CreateStreamUploadInput!
createTrace CreateTracePayload Register a previously uploaded file as a trace in CAP.
input CreateTraceInput!
deleteProject DeleteProjectPayload Delete a project.
input DeleteProjectInput!
deleteProjectException DeleteProjectExceptionPayload Delete a project exception.
input DeleteProjectExceptionInput!
deleteReport DeleteReportPayload Delete a report.
input DeleteReportInput!
deleteSlot DeleteSlotPayload Delete a slot.
input DeleteSlotInput!
deleteTrace DeleteTracePayload Delete a trace.
input DeleteTraceInput!
deleteUser DeleteUserPayload Deletes a user
input DeleteUserInput!
finalizeStreamUpload FinalizeStreamUploadPayload Finalize stream upload and start tracing generation.
input FinalizeStreamUploadInput!
generatePresignedPartUrls GeneratePresignedPartUrlsPayload Generate bulk presigned part number urls for the stream upload.
input GeneratePresignedPartUrlsInput!
generateTraceUploadPost GenerateTraceUploadPostPayload Generate form data and URL method for use in the trace upload request. The upload endpoint is a S3-like object storage service and the form data is just for one-time use.
input GenerateTraceUploadPostInput!
getVenafiCertificateDetails GetVenafiCertificateDetailsPayload Get certificate details from Venafi
input GetVenafiCertificateDetailsInput!
jiraExportInstance JiraExportInstancePayload Exports a Instance to JIRA
input JiraExportInstanceInput!
jiraExportInstances JiraExportInstancesPayload Exports multiple instances to JIRA
input JiraExportInstancesInput!
populateVenafiGuids PopulateVenafiGuidsPayload Check all the certificates in a report against the Venafi database, and retrieve Venafi GUIDs for those that are found.
input PopulateVenafiGuidsInput!
refreshStreamUpload RefreshStreamUploadPayload Refresh last update at stream upload tracker by provided key.
input RefreshStreamUploadInput!
requestJiraIntegrationAccessToken RequestJiraIntegrationAccessTokenPayload Request Jira Integration access token and secret to finalize the integration connection
input RequestJiraIntegrationAccessTokenInput!
resetUserPassword ResetUserPasswordPayload Resets the password of a user
input ResetUserPasswordInput!
scheduleReportExceptionsCacheUpdate ScheduleReportExceptionsCacheUpdatePayload Schedule a job to update the exceptions cache of a report
input ScheduleReportExceptionsCacheUpdateInput!
startTaniumRetrieval StartTaniumRetrievalPayload Start retrieving traces from Tanium endpoints for a given project.
input StartTaniumRetrievalInput!
stopTaniumRetrieval StopTaniumRetrievalPayload Stop retrieving traces from Tanium endpoints for a given project.
input StopTaniumRetrievalInput!
unlinkJiraIntegration UnlinkJiraIntegrationPayload Unlink Jira Integration and clear all existing values
input UnlinkJiraIntegrationInput!
unlinkJiraIssueCollector UnlinkJiraIssueCollectorPayload Unlink organization level jira issue collector
input UnlinkJiraIssueCollectorInput!
unlinkProjectJiraIntegration UnlinkProjectJiraIntegrationPayload Unlink Project level jira integration and clean the configuration
input UnlinkProjectJiraIntegrationInput!
updateJiraIntegration UpdateJiraIntegrationPayload Update an existing Jira settings
input UpdateJiraIntegrationInput!
updateJiraIntegrationUrl UpdateJiraIntegrationUrlPayload Update an existing Jira settings URL and generate public and private keys
input UpdateJiraIntegrationUrlInput!
updateJiraIssueCollector UpdateJiraIssueCollectorPayload Update an existing Jira settings
input UpdateJiraIssueCollectorInput!
updateProject UpdateProjectPayload Update an already existing project
input UpdateProjectInput!
updateProjectException UpdateProjectExceptionPayload Updates a project exception.
input UpdateProjectExceptionInput!
updateProjectJiraIntegration UpdateProjectJiraIntegrationPayload Update a Project jira settings
input UpdateProjectJiraIntegrationInput!
updateProjectJiraIssueCollector UpdateProjectJiraIssueCollectorPayload Update a Project jira issue collector settings
input UpdateProjectJiraIssueCollectorInput!
unlinkProjectJiraIssueCollector UnlinkProjectJiraIssueCollectorPayload Unlink Project level jira issue collector
input UnlinkProjectJiraIssueCollectorInput!
unlinkProjectTanium UnlinkProjectTaniumIntegrationPayload Unlink Project level Tanium integration and clean the configuration
input UnlinkProjectTaniumIntegrationInput!
updateSlot UpdateSlotPayload Update an already existing slot
input UpdateSlotInput!
updateTaniumIntegration UpdateTaniumIntegrationPayload Update an existing Tanium integration
input UpdateTaniumIntegrationInput!
unlinkTaniumIntegration UnlinkTaniumIntegrationPayload Unlink an existing Tanium integration
input UnlinkTaniumIntegrationInput!
updateProjectTanium UpdateProjectTaniumPayload Update an existing Tanium integration
input UpdateProjectTaniumInput!
updateUser UpdateUserPayload Updates an existing user
input UpdateUserInput!
updateVenafiIntegration UpdateVenafiIntegrationPayload Update an existing Venafi integration
input UpdateVenafiIntegrationInput!
unlinkVenafiIntegration UnlinkVenafiIntegrationPayload Unlink an existing Venafi integration
input UnlinkVenafiIntegrationInput!
uploadCertificateToVenafi UploadCertificateToVenafiPayload Upload a certificate to Venafi For a detailed overview of available parameters visit:
input UploadCertificateToVenafiInput!
deleteProfile DeleteProfilePayload Delete a profile.
input DeleteProfileInput!
createTracerProfile CreateTracerProfilePayload Create a new tracer Profile.
input CreateTracerProfileInput!
createFuzzerProfile CreateFuzzerProfilePayload Create a new fuzzer Profile.
input CreateFuzzerProfileInput!
updateTracerProfile UpdateTracerProfilePayload Update a tracer Profile.
input UpdateTracerProfileInput!
updateFuzzerProfile UpdateFuzzerProfilePayload Update a fuzzer Profile.
input UpdateFuzzerProfileInput!
createReportDiff CreateReportDiffPayload Create a report diff between two reports
input CreateReportDiffInput!
queryHostsViaCrowdStrike QueryHostsViaCrowdStrikePayload Query hosts via CrowdStrike For a detailed overview of available parameters visit (requires login):
input QueryHostsViaCrowdStrikeInput!
scanHostsViaCrowdStrike ScanHostsViaCrowdStrikePayload Scan hosts via CrowdStrike
input ScanHostsViaCrowdStrikeInput!
updateCrowdStrikeIntegration UpdateCrowdStrikeIntegrationPayload Update an existing CrowdStrike integration
input UpdateCrowdStrikeIntegrationInput!
unlinkCrowdStrikeIntegration UnlinkCrowdStrikeIntegrationPayload Unlink an existing CrowdStrike integration
input UnlinkCrowdStrikeIntegrationInput!
checkCrowdStrikeIntegration CheckCrowdStrikeIntegrationPayload Check if CrowdStrike integration settings are valid
input CheckCrowdStrikeIntegrationInput!
updateServiceNowIntegration UpdateServiceNowIntegrationPayload Mutation to update ServiceNow integration settings for an organization. This mutation allows an authenticated user to update the ServiceNow settings or create a new one if they do not exist. Settings are tested against the ServiceNow instance to ensure correctness. Note: Inputs are validated with strict length validations because ServiceNow will accept any input and truncate it to the max allowed length.
input UpdateServiceNowIntegrationInput!
checkServiceNowIntegration CheckServiceNowIntegrationPayload Mutation to test ServiceNow integration settings. We support two cases: 1. Test settings provided as input: All settings provided as input will be tested against the ServiceNow instance. 2. Test existing settings: To test existing settings, they must exist in the database. The input password must be an empty string, and the instance_url and user_id must match the saved settings' instance_url and user_id.
input CheckServiceNowIntegrationInput!
unlinkServiceNowIntegration UnlinkServiceNowIntegrationPayload Delete existing ServiceNow settings
input UnlinkServiceNowIntegrationInput!
serviceNowExportReport ServiceNowExportReportPayload
input ServiceNowExportReportInput!
serviceNowExportInstance ServiceNowExportSingleInstancePayload Export instance to ServiceNow
input ServiceNowExportSingleInstanceInput!
serviceNowCancelReportExport CancelServiceNowReportExportPayload Cancels the running ServiceNow bulk export for the selected report. Note: There can be only one running export per report, which is why we are doing it through the report
input CancelServiceNowReportExportInput!



Analyze a trace with a given profile.

Field Argument Type Description
trace Trace! The trace that was analyzed
profile Profile! The profile that was applied
report Report! The report that was generated
clientMutationId String


Field Argument Type Description
ruleset Ruleset!
category RuleCategory!
number Int!
title String!
compatibleTraceTypes [CompatibleTraceType!]
shortExplanation String
consequences String
explanation String
resources String
access String
expertise String
kbLink [KbLink!]


Authorize Jira Integration configuration and receive a request token and secret

Field Argument Type Description
jiraIntegration JiraIntegration!
clientMutationId String


Field Argument Type Description
exportType ExportType! status.
status ExportStatus! status.
totalCount Int! Total expected count of instances for export
exportedCount Int! Number of exported instances in the current status of the export
createdAt DateTime! Export creation time
canceledAt DateTime Export cancellation time


A single call to a cryptographic library from a traced application.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
timestamp Float
arguments String
isKeptByFilters Boolean! Status of the call with regards to project exceptions
stackTrace StackFrameConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [CallEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a Call and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Call The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
callsLimited Boolean Indicates whether calls were discarded during the preparation of the report
maxCallsPerBucket Int Maximum number of calls in a bucket, as set in the analyzer
maxCallsTotal Int Maximum number of calls in total, as set in the analyzer
numCallsKept Int Number of kept calls
numCallsOverBucketLimit Int Number of calls discarded because of the bucket limit
numCallsOverTotalLimit Int Number of calls discarded because of the total limit
numCallsTotal Int Total number of calls
numBuckets Int Number of distinct buckets
numFullBuckets Int Number of buckets where the call limit was reached


A specific call site in a traced application.

As an example, if the class Foo, found in the file, there is a method bar(). Inside that method, on line 123, a call is made to Bat.baz(). This this case, the CallSite node will have the following values:

  • class: Foo
  • method: bar
  • file:
  • line: 123
  • called_class: Bat
  • called_method: baz

The corresponding java code might look like this:

Text Only
121 | class Foo {
122 |    void bar() {
123 |       some_var = Bat.baz();
124 |    }
125 | }
Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
reportId Int!
covered Boolean
starred Boolean
class String Class holding the method that made the call
method String! Method that made the call
file String File containing the code of the method
line Int! Line within the file that made the call
calledClass String Target class of the call
calledMethod String Target method of the call


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [CallSiteEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a CallSite and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node CallSite The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Cancel JIRA Export.

Field Argument Type Description
export BatchExport
clientMutationId String


Cancels the scheduled job to update the exceptions cache of a report

Field Argument Type Description
report Report!
clientMutationId String


Scan hosts via CrowdStrike

Field Argument Type Description
scan Scan!
clientMutationId String


Cancels the running ServiceNow bulk export for the selected report. Note: There can be only one running export per report, which is why we are doing it through the report

Field Argument Type Description
export BatchExport!
clientMutationId String


Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
report Report! Report in which the certificate was found
serialNumber String!
subject String!
issuer String!
version String
fingerprint String
venafiGuid String GUID of the certificate within Venafi, if one was found
encoded String PEM encoded representation of the certificate.
instances InstanceConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
publicKey Key!
isCa Boolean
isSelfSigned Boolean
notBefore DateTime Start of the certificate validity period
notAfter DateTime End of the certificate validity period
signatureAlgorithm SignatureAlgorithmData
organizationCertificate OrganizationCertificate Corresponding certificate at the AQtive Guard organization level
locations LocationConnection Locations at which the certificate was found
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
operations OperationConnection Operations that were involved with this certificate
keptByFilters Boolean
filters OperationsFilter
sorters [OperationsSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
extensions [CertificateExtensionData]
signature String


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [CertificateEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a Certificate and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Certificate The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
name String
value String
critical Boolean


Changes the password of the current user

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Field Argument Type Description
isSuccessful Boolean!
reason String


Check if CrowdStrike integration settings are valid

Field Argument Type Description
crowdStrikeConnectionResult CheckConnectionResult!
clientMutationId String


Test Jira Configuration for Export

Field Argument Type Description
jiraConnectionResult CheckConnectionResult!
clientMutationId String


Test Jira integration connection

Field Argument Type Description
jiraConnectionResult CheckConnectionResult!
clientMutationId String


Mutation to test ServiceNow integration settings.

We support two cases: 1. Test settings provided as input: All settings provided as input will be tested against the ServiceNow instance. 2. Test existing settings: To test existing settings, they must exist in the database. The input password must be an empty string, and the instance_url and user_id must match the saved settings’ instance_url and user_id.

Field Argument Type Description
connectionResult CheckConnectionResult!
clientMutationId String


Test Tanium Computer Group

Field Argument Type Description
taniumConnectionResult CheckConnectionResult!
clientMutationId String


Test Tanium integration connection

Field Argument Type Description
taniumConnectionResult CheckConnectionResult!
clientMutationId String


Test Venafi integration connection

Field Argument Type Description
venafiConnectionResult CheckConnectionResult!
clientMutationId String


Field Argument Type Description
nid Int! ID of the ciphersuite. May correspond to a ciphersuite standardized by IETF or to an unknown one. In the former case other 'CiphersuiteInfo' fields will be filled with extracted information, such as 'name', 'recommended' and others. In the latter case, most fields will be 'null'.
name String Name given by IETF to a recognized ciphersuite. ('TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256', 'TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL', ...)
recommended Boolean! Whether ciphersuite is recommended by IETF or not.
reference [String] List of RFCs in which ciphersuite was defined.
version CiphersuiteTlsVersion!
kex ⚠️ String Key exchange algorithm used. (ECDHE, DHE, RSA, ...)


Will be renamed to kexAlg in future releases.
auth ⚠️ String Authentication algorithm used. (ECDSA, RSA, PSK, ...)


Will be renamed to authAlg in future releases.
algorithmSym ⚠️ String Block/stream cipher algorithm used. (AES, RC4, ...)


Will be renamed to symmetricCipherAlg in future releases.
mac ⚠️ String MAC algorithm used. (AEAD for TLS1.3, SHA256, ...)


Will be renamed to macAlg in future releases.
modeOfOperation ⚠️ String Mode of operation used by the block cipher. 'null' if stream cipher is used. (GCM, CBC, CCM, ...)


Will be renamed to modeOfOperationAlg in future releases.
hashAlg String Hash algorithm used; serves as HKDF for TLS1.3 and as a MAC for TLS1.2. (SHA-family, MD5, ...)


Field Argument Type Description
traceType TraceType!


Field Argument Type Description
total Int! Total number of call sites found by a static scan
covered Int! Number of call sites covered by the trace
depth Int Number of passes performed by the scanner over the code during the inspection for call sites


Create a new fuzzer Profile.

Field Argument Type Description
profile Profile!
clientMutationId String


Create a new local user.

Field Argument Type Description
user User!
clientMutationId String


Creates an exception for a project

Field Argument Type Description
exception ProjectException
clientMutationId String


Create a new project.

Field Argument Type Description
project Project!
clientMutationId String


Create a report diff between two reports

Field Argument Type Description
reportDiff ReportDiff!
clientMutationId String


Create a new Slot.

Field Argument Type Description
project Project!
slot Slot!
clientMutationId String


Generate form data and URL method for use in the trace stream upload request.

The upload endpoint is a S3-like object storage service and the form data is just for one-time use.

Field Argument Type Description
streamId String! Stream identifier
clientMutationId String


Register a previously uploaded file as a trace in CAP.

Field Argument Type Description
project Project!
slot Slot!
trace Trace!
report Report
clientMutationId String


Create a new tracer Profile.

Field Argument Type Description
profile Profile!
clientMutationId String


Details of the connection parameters to Tanium

Field Argument Type Description
baseUrl String!
clientId String!
clientSecret String!


Delete a profile.

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Delete a project exception.

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Delete a project.

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Delete a report.

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Delete a slot.

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Delete a trace.

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Deletes a user

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Field Argument Type Description
ruleNumber Int!
ruleset Ruleset!


Finalize stream upload and start tracing generation.

Field Argument Type Description
trace Trace
report Report
clientMutationId String


Field Argument Type Description
remediation String!
triage String
specificRemediationAdvice String
link [String]


Generate bulk presigned part number urls for the stream upload.

Field Argument Type Description
parts [PresignedPart]! Presigned parts and their data.
clientMutationId String


Generate form data and URL method for use in the trace upload request.

The upload endpoint is a S3-like object storage service and the form data is just for one-time use.

Field Argument Type Description
url String! URL of the request
method String! URL method of the request (PUT or POST)
formData String! JSON encoding of the form data to use in the POST upload request. This should be ignored for PUT requests.
clientMutationId String


Get certificate details from Venafi

Field Argument Type Description
details JSONString
clientMutationId String


Elliptic curve group information

Field Argument Type Description
nid Int! ID of elliptic or finite-field group. May correspond to a group standardized by IETF, to IDs specified by Open Quantum Safe project - - in the case of post-quantum or hybrid ones, or to an unknown group.
classification GroupClassification!
name String Name given to a recognized group. ('secp256r1', 'kyber512', 'kyber512 & secp256_r1', ...)
recommended Boolean! Whether group is recommended by IETF or not. Is always 'true' if the group is classified as post-quantum or hybrid.


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [HandshakeEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a Handshake and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node TlsHandshake The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
sysId String!
number String!
url String!
instanceId Int!


A finding within a report.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
number Int!
severity InstanceSeverity!
data String!
details String
dismissed Boolean!
calls CallConnection Calls linked to the instance
keptByFilters Boolean
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
certificates CertificateConnection All certificates related to this instance. If the rule relates directly to a certificate, then only that certificate will be returned. For other rules this will return all certificates that contain a key linked to the instance.
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
keys KeyConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
operations OperationConnection! Operations linked to the instance
keptByFilters Boolean
filters OperationsFilter
sorters [OperationsSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
locations LocationConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
filterStatus FilterStatus! Status of the instance with regards to project exceptions
url String! Relative URL for this instance in the web UI (e.g. `/report/123/45/6789`).
rule Rule! Rule that was checked for this instance
remediation Remediation Remediation recommendations
hardCodedStringLocations [StackFrame]
numberLocal Int Number of this instance within instances of the same rule
jiraExportUrl String Jira issue key created when exporting an instance


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [InstanceEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a Instance and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Instance The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Statistics for the appearance of a group of instances for a severity level.

Field Argument Type Description
percentage String!
count Int!


Field Argument Type Description
name String!
lines [InventoryRecapLineData]!


Field Argument Type Description
algorithms [InventoryRecapCategory]
keys [InventoryRecapCategory]!
keystores [InventoryRecapCategory]
operations [InventoryRecapCategory]


Field Argument Type Description
name String!
count Int!
percentage String!


Java cryptography provider

Field Argument Type Description
name String!
version String!
vulnerabilities [JavaVulnerability] Known vulnerabilities for this provider. (`[]` means none, `null` means unknown.)


Known vulnerability in a Java cryptography provider

Field Argument Type Description
name String!
url String


Field Argument Type Description
instanceId ID!
errors ⚠️ [String!]!


This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Users are invited to use the `errorDetails` response field instead, which returns more granular information about export errors
errorDetails [JiraExportErrorDetail!]!


Field Argument Type Description
error String! Error message returned from JIRA
field String JIRA Issue field that caused the error
value String Value of the field that caused the error


Exports a Instance to JIRA

Field Argument Type Description
jiraIssue String!
jiraUrl String!
clientMutationId String


Exports multiple instances to JIRA

Field Argument Type Description
issues [JiraExportIssue!] List of created JIRA issues
errors [JiraExportError!] Errors from JIRA
export BatchExport
clientMutationId String


Field Argument Type Description
instanceId ID!
issueKey String!
issueUrl String!


Details of the connection parameters to JIRA

Field Argument Type Description
url String!
jiraRequestToken String
jiraRequestTokenSecret String
jiraAccessToken String
jiraAccessTokenSecret String
jiraConsumerKey String
jiraProjectKey String
jiraIssuetypeKey String
jiraPublicKey String
jiraPrivateKey String
jiraAuthorizationUrl String


Details of the connection parameters to JIRA Issue Collector

Field Argument Type Description
issueCollectorCode String!
Field Argument Type Description
title String!
url String


A cryptographic key

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
report Report! Report in which the key was found
category KeyCategory!
type KeyType!
valueJson String! JSON-encoded representation of the key
valueSummary String! Generic representation of the value of the key
operationSummary String Summarized list of operations performed with the key
shortDescription String!
length Int
metadata String
information [String] Human-readable information on the source of the key
hasPrivateKey Boolean
firstCallSite StackFrame The call site within the application source where this key was first used
instances InstanceConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
certificates CertificateConnection!
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
organizationKey OrganizationKey Corresponding key at the AQtive Guard organization level
locations LocationConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
operations OperationConnection
keptByFilters Boolean
filters OperationsFilter
sorters [OperationsSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
pkcs11Attributes String
source String


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [KeyEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a Key and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Key The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
medHighThreshold Int!
lowMedThreshold Int!
offLowThreshold Int!


Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
path String Path to the location, either on a filesystem or inside a compressed archive or keystore.
certificates CertificateConnection Certificates found at this location
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
keys KeyConnection Keys found at this location
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
instances InstanceConnection All instances involving objects found at this location
filters InstancesFilter
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
hostname String
imageInfo String Path or name of the image the location comes from, if any
imageType Imagetype Type of the image the location comes from, if any
fileType Filetype


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [LocationEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a Location and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Location The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
type String!
value String!
count Int!


A recorded action taken with or on a cryptographic object.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
onlyTls Boolean
timestamp Float
type OperationType! The operation type
operationType String! The operation type as a readable string
category OperationCategory! The operation category
operationCategory String! The operation category as a readable string
context OperationContext! The operation context
operationContext String! The operation context as a readable string
algorithms [String]
algorithmSummary String
keys OperationKeyConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
report Report!
tlsHandshake HandshakeConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
sshHandshake SshHandshake
keyRoles [String]
filterStatus FilterStatus! Status of the operation with regards to project exceptions
calls CallConnection Calls linked to the operation
keptByFilters Boolean
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
instances InstanceConnection Instances linked to the operation
keptByFilters Boolean
filters InstancesFilter
sorters [InstancesSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
valueJson String! JSON-encoded representation of the operation
firstCallSite StackFrame The first call site for this operation. The returned call site is the second frame of the first call found, representing the location in the code where this operation began.


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [OperationEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


Field Argument Type Description
high Int! Number of operations in high severity instances
medium Int! Number of operations in medium severity instances
low Int! Number of operations in low severity instances
passed Int! Number of operations in passed instances


A Relay edge containing a Operation and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Operation The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [OperationKeyEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a OperationKey and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Key The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination
role String! The role played by the key in the operation
cipherData String Data that was either encrypted or decrypted with the key in the operation
wrappedByKeyId ID The ID of the key wrapping this key, if any
wrappedKeyId ID The ID of the key wrapped by this key, if any


Field Argument Type Description
asymmetricKeyGeneration OperationCounts Asymmetric key generation
symmetricKeyGeneration OperationCounts Symmetric key generation
encryptionDecryption OperationCounts Encryption / decryption
signatureGenerationVerification OperationCounts Signature / verification
mac OperationCounts MAC
hashing OperationCounts Hashing
keyWrappingUnwrapping OperationCounts Key wrapping / unwrapping
keyDerivation OperationCounts Key derivation
keyStoreAccess OperationCounts Key store access
keyStoreCreationLoading OperationCounts Key store creation / loading
keyAgreement OperationCounts Key agreement
cloudStorage OperationCounts Cloud storage
keyDefinition OperationCounts Key definition
tlsInitialization OperationCounts TLS or SSL initialization
tlsHandshake OperationCounts TLS Handshake
sshHandshake OperationCounts SSH Handshake


Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String! The name of this organization
users UserConnection! Users in the organization
filters UsersFilter
sorters [UsersSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
testers UserConnection Testers in the organization
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
project Project Searches a project with an exact name in the organization
name String!
projects ProjectConnection! Projects in the organization. Use the optional name argument to only get those whose name contains a given, case sensitive, substring.
name String
filters ProjectsFilter
sorters [ProjectsSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
unlimitedReports Boolean Can the organization go over the default reports per slot limit
scans ScanConnection! Scans in the organization.
filters ExpandedScansFilter
sorters [ScansSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
profiles ProfileConnection
filters ProfilesFilter
sorters [ProfilesSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
allowedTraceTypes [TraceType] List of the trace types the organization is allowed to use.
keys OrganizationKeyConnection
filters OrganizationKeysFilter
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
certificates OrganizationCertificateConnection
filters OrganizationCertificatesFilter
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
integrations [Integration] List of the integration that have been configured for the organization.
jiraIntegration JiraIntegration Jira integration for the current organization
serviceNowIntegration ServiceNowIntegration ServiceNow integration for the current organization
slotTags [String] Tags aggregated from the slots of all projects.
name String Value with which to filter by, case insensitive.
first Int Maximum number of elements to return. Default: 10
lastUpdated DateTime Last update time for organization with provided filters (UTC, in ISO8601 format).
tags [String!] List of tags to filter by. eg: ["tag a", "tag b"].
projectIds [String!] List of project node ids to filter by. eg: ["UHJvamVjdDox", "UHJvamVjdDoxMjA="].
profileIds [String!] List of profile node ids to filter by. eg: ["UHJvZmlsZTo4", "UHJvZmlsZToxMg=="].
inventory InventoryRecapData Inventory summary for the given projects. The inventory summary is made of two parts: algorithm statistics and key statistics. Those parts are computed from the latest report of each relevant project.
tags [String!] List of tags to filter by. eg: ["tag a", "tag b"].
projectIds [String!] List of project node ids to filter by. eg: ["UHJvamVjdDox", "UHJvamVjdDoxMjA="].
profileIds [String!] List of profile node ids to filter by. eg: ["UHJvZmlsZTo4", "UHJvZmlsZToxMg=="].
overviewTypes [OverviewType!]
from DateTime
to DateTime
overview OverviewSummary Organization overview grouped into categories with aggregated severity data.
tags [String!] List of tags to filter by. eg: ["tag a", "tag b"].
projectIds [String!] List of project node ids to filter by. eg: ["UHJvamVjdDox", "UHJvamVjdDoxMjA="].
profileIds [String!] List of profile node ids to filter by. eg: ["UHJvZmlsZTo4", "UHJvZmlsZToxMg=="].
overviewTypes [OverviewType!]
from DateTime
to DateTime
vulnerabilities VulnerabilityConnection Vulnerabilities for the given projects. Given their severity, we get them sorted by top priority index.
tags [String!] List of tags to filter by. eg: ["tag a", "tag b"].
projectIds [String!] List of project node ids to filter by. eg: ["UHJvamVjdDox", "UHJvamVjdDoxMjA="].
profileIds [String!] List of profile node ids to filter by. eg: ["UHJvZmlsZTo4", "UHJvZmlsZToxMg=="].
severities [DisplaySeverity!]
overviewTypes [OverviewType!]
withExceptions Boolean
from DateTime
to DateTime
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
timeRepresentationSlices [TimeRepresentationSlice] Aggregated report summaries sliced over time.
tags [String!] List of tags to filter by. eg: ["tag a", "tag b"].
projectIds [String!] List of project node ids to filter by. eg: ["UHJvamVjdDox", "UHJvamVjdDoxMjA="].
profileIds [String!] List of profile node ids to filter by. eg: ["UHJvZmlsZTo4", "UHJvZmlsZToxMg=="].
overviewTypes [OverviewType!]
from DateTime!
to DateTime!
numberOfSlices Int!
slotIds [String!] List of slot node ids to filter by. eg: ["UHJvamVjdDox", "UHJvamVjdDoxMjA="].


Certificate, aggregated at the level of the organization.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
organization Organization!
publicKey OrganizationKey
version String!
serialNumber String!
issuer String!
subject String!
fingerprint String
venafiGuid String GUID of the certificate in Venafi if one was found.
encoded String PEM encoded representation of the certificate.
isCa Boolean
isSelfSigned Boolean
notBefore DateTime Start of the certificate validity period
notAfter DateTime End of the certificate validity period
signatureAlgorithm SignatureAlgorithmData
reportCertificates CertificateConnection! Link to the certificates inside individual reports
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
extensions [CertificateExtensionData]
signature String


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [OrganizationCertificateEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a OrganizationCertificate and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node OrganizationCertificate The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Cryptographic key at the organization level.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
organization Organization!
length Int
category KeyCategory!
type KeyType!
valueJson String! JSON-encoded representation of the key
shortDescription String!
metadata String
information [String] Human-readable information on the source of the key
hasPrivateKey Boolean
reportKeys KeyConnection! Link to the key inside individual reports
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
certificates OrganizationCertificateConnection! Certificates based on this key
filters CertificatesFilter
before String
after String
first Int
last Int


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [OrganizationKeyEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a OrganizationKey and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node OrganizationKey The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Statistics over the entire organization.

Field Argument Type Description
latestUpdate String
issueCount Int!
issueDoughnutData String!
secure OverviewSecure
otherItems [OverviewItem]
highInstances InstanceStat
mediumInstances InstanceStat
lowInstances InstanceStat
passedInstances InstanceStat


Supporting values for the overview, like number of projects included in the analysis or semantic traces’ header.

Field Argument Type Description
header String!
data String!


Percentage value of how many secure items are present in the specific overview. Result of total passed over the total number of instances.

Field Argument Type Description
header String!
value String!


Grouped statistics over the entire organization with summary data. Summary data contains additional descriptive information about the overview, like the number of unique projects included in general for the summary.

Field Argument Type Description
numberOfProjects Int!
overviews [OverviewWithMeta]


Expanded overview that contains specific overview meta-data, like title. Used to describe each unique overview in more detail.

Field Argument Type Description
title String
overview Overview


The Relay compliant PageInfo type, containing data necessary to paginate this connection.

Field Argument Type Description
hasNextPage Boolean! When paginating forwards, are there more items?
hasPreviousPage Boolean! When paginating backwards, are there more items?
startCursor String When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue.
endCursor String When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue.


A permission is either granted or not denied. When denied, a reason may be given.

Field Argument Type Description
granted Boolean! Permission granting
deniedReason String Denied reason


Set of permissions for a given user.

Field Argument Type Description
changePassword Permission! Change the password of the current user
createProject Permission! Create projects
updateProject Permission! Update project
projectId ID!
deleteProject Permission! Delete project
projectId ID!
downloadTracers Permission! Download tracers
createUser Permission! Create a user
updateUserPreferredName Permission! Update the preferred name of a user
userId ID! ID of the user to update
updateUserPermissions Permission! Update the permissions of a user
userId ID! ID of the user to update
updateUserAuthTags Permission! Update the authorization tags of a user
userId ID! ID of the user to update
resetUserPassword Permission! Reset the password of a user
userId ID! ID of the target user
deleteUser Permission! Delete a user
userId ID! ID of the user to delete
createSlot Permission! Create slot within a project
projectId ID!
updateSlot Permission! Update a slot
slotId ID!
deleteSlot Permission! Delete a slot
slotId ID!
uploadTrace Permission! Upload a trace in a project
projectId ID!
updateReport Permission! Update a report
reportId ID!
readOrganizationUsers Permission! Read organization users
readOrganizationKeys Permission! Read organization keys
readOrganizationCertificates Permission! Read organization certificates
createExceptions Permission! Create filters
projectId ID!
venafiUploadCertificate Permission! Upload a certificate to Venafi
certificateId ID!
venafiGetCertificateDetails Permission! Retrieve certificate details from Venafi
certificateId ID!
venafiPopulateGuids Permission! Upload all of the report's certificates to Venafi
reportId ID!
crowdStrikeEditConfig Permission! Edit CrowdStrike configuration
venafiEditConfig Permission! Edit Venafi configuration
taniumEditConfig Permission! Edit Tanium configuration
jiraEditConfig Permission! Edit Jira configuration
createProfile Permission! Create a new Profile
updateProfile Permission! Update a Profile
profileId ID!
deleteProfile Permission! Delete a Profile
profileId ID!
serviceNowEditConfig Permission! Edit ServiceNow configuration
readOrganizationScans Permission! Read organization scans
createScan Permission! Create a scan in the organization
updateScan Permission! Update a scan
scanId ID!
deleteScan Permission! Delete a scan
scanId ID!
crowdStrikeQueryHosts Permission! Query hosts integrated with a CrowdStrike instance
crowdStrikeUploadFilesToStorage Permission! Upload a file to CrowdStrike storage
crowdStrikeUploadScriptsToStorage Permission! Create a script and store it in CrowdStrike storage
crowdStrikeRunScriptsOnHosts Permission! Run scripts on report hosts
crowdStrikeUploadFilesToHosts Permission! Copy files from CrowdStrike storage to remote hosts
crowdStrikeReadFilesFromHosts Permission! Read files from remote hosts
jiraEditProjectConfig Permission! Edit JIRA configuration for a project
projectId ID!
jiraExportInstances Permission! Export instances to JIRA
serviceNowCheckConnection Permission! Check ServiceNow configuration
serviceNowExportInstances Permission! Export instances to ServiceNow
taniumEditProjectConfig Permission! Edit Tanium configuration for a project
projectId ID!
taniumCheckConnection Permission! Check Tanium configuration
venafiCheckConnection Permission! Check Venafi configuration


Check all the certificates in a report against the Venafi database, and retrieve Venafi GUIDs for those that are found.

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Field Argument Type Description
partNumber Int! Part number, ranging from 1-10.000
url String! URL of the request
method String! URL method of the request (PUT or POST)


Profiles define how rules will be assessed as each object is evaluated during analysis.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String!
preset Boolean!
createdAt DateTime!
expiringSoon Int!
type ProfileType!
staleKeyProfile LengthProfile
certificateValidityProfile LengthProfile
ecProfile LengthProfile
rsaProfile LengthProfile
symmetricProfile LengthProfile
reportCount Int!
projectCount Int!
lastUsed DateTime
disabledRules [DisabledRule]!


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [ProfileEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a Profile and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Profile The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String!
description String
inventory InventoryRecapData
users UserConnection Users assigned to the project
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
testers UserConnection Testers assigned to the project
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
defaultProfile Profile
traces TraceConnection
filters TracesFilter
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
reports ReportConnection
filters ReportsFilter
sorters [ReportsSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
projectJira ProjectJira
scans ScanConnection! Scans in the project.
filters ScansFilter
sorters [ScansSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
slots SlotConnection
filters SlotsFilter
sorters [SlotsSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
organization Organization!
maxItemCount Int The maximum number of traces / reports that can live in a slot before the oldest ones get deleted. Traces and reports are counted separately. The value must be between 2 and 100, defaulting to 20.
lastUpdated ⚠️ DateTime Last update time for this project (UTC, in ISO8601 format)


This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the `lastAnalysis` field instead.
tags [String] Tags aggregated from the slots of the project.
authTags [String] Authorization tags of the project.
vulnerabilityStatistics [VulnerabilityStatistic]
firstAnalysis DateTime Creation or completion time of the first report in this project (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
lastAnalysis DateTime Creation or completion time of the latest report in this project (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
distinctCallSites Int
vulnerabilities VulnerabilityConnection
severities [DisplaySeverity!]
withExceptions Boolean
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
tanium ProjectTanium
exceptions ProjectExceptionConnection
filters ProjectExceptionsFilter
sorters [ProjectExceptionsSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [ProjectEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a Project and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Project The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Exceptions can be used to exclude or include parts of traced applications in the reports.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
description String
active Boolean!
type ProjectExceptionType!
term String!
traceType TraceType!


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [ProjectExceptionEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a ProjectException and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node ProjectException The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
projectKey String
issueTypeKey String
issueCollectorCode String


Tanium configuration and execution state for a given project.

Field Argument Type Description
computerGroup String!
status ProjectTaniumStatus
endpointsCount Int
todoCount Int
completedAt DateTime
log String


Query hosts via CrowdStrike

For a detailed overview of available parameters visit (requires login):

Field Argument Type Description
numberOfHosts Int!
clientMutationId String


Refresh last update at stream upload tracker by provided key.

Field Argument Type Description
updated Boolean! Success of the update action
clientMutationId String


Remediation advice.

Field Argument Type Description
general GeneralRemediation
specificTag String


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [ReportEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


Field Argument Type Description
state State!
instancesCount0 SeverityCountMap!
rulesCount0 SeverityCountMap!
instancesCount1 SeverityCountMap!
rulesCount1 SeverityCountMap!


A report for which analysis successfully finished.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String!
createdAt DateTime! Creation time for this report (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
project Project
profile Profile
slot Slot
trace Trace
traceType TraceType
ruleset Ruleset
instances InstanceConnection!
keptByFilters Boolean
filters InstancesFilter
sorters [InstancesSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
rules RuleConnection
includeDisabledRules Boolean
includeFilteredRules Boolean
filters RulesFilter
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
operations OperationConnection List of operations found in the report
keptByFilters Boolean
filters OperationsFilter
sorters [OperationsSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
operationStats OperationStats Count of operations for each category and severity
objectStats [ObjectStat] Statistics about cryptographic objects
javaProviders [JavaProvider] Implementations of `` that were used.
certificates CertificateConnection!
hasVenafiGuid Boolean
filters CertificatesFilter
sorters [CertificatesSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
keys KeyConnection!
filters KeysFilter
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
completedAt DateTime! Completion time for this report (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
callSites CallSiteConnection!
filters CallSitesFilter
sorters [CallSitesSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
url String! Relative URL for this report in the web UI (e.g. `/report/123`).
inventory InventoryRecapData
handshakes HandshakeConnection! List of TLS handshakes that were found in network captures
statuses [TlsHandshakeStatus!]
filters HandshakesFilter
sorters [HandshakesSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
sshHandshakes SshHandshakeConnection! List of SSH handshakes that were found in network captures
statuses [SshHandshakeStatus!]
filters SshHandshakesFilter
sorters [SshHandshakesSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
ciphersuites [CiphersuiteInfo] List of ciphersuites that were found in network captures
onlyRecommended Boolean
onlyUsed Boolean
sorters [CiphersuitesSorter]
vulnerabilityStatistics [VulnerabilityStatistic]
vulnerabilities ReportVulnerabilityConnection
severities [DisplaySeverity!]
withExceptions Boolean
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
nonsensitiveSalt String If non-null, this indicates that the report was generated using a nonsensitive trace with the given salt
coverageSummary CoverageSummary Statistics about the coverage of call sites found by a static scan
callLimiting CallLimiting Statistics about the report call limiting
exceptionsCacheStatus ReportExceptionsCacheStatus Status of the report cache with respect to the current exceptions of its project
venafiGuidsUpdatedAt DateTime Last update time of the Venafi GUIDs in this report. (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
reportDiff ReportDiff Get report diff between this report and the compared report
reportId ID!
exports [BatchExport]! Get running batch exports for selected report
locations LocationConnection Locations found in the report
before String
after String
first Int
last Int


A Relay edge containing a Report and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Report The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


A for report for which analysis failed.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String!
createdAt DateTime! Creation time for this report (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
project Project
profile Profile
slot Slot
trace Trace
traceType TraceType
ruleset Ruleset
reason String Human-readable explanation of the analysis failure.


A report for which analysis has not yet completed.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String!
createdAt DateTime! Creation time for this report (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
project Project
profile Profile
slot Slot
trace Trace
traceType TraceType
ruleset Ruleset


Vulnerability connected to a specific report and statistics for that vulnerability at the report level.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
number Int!
shortExplanation String Short explanation of the vulnerability
explanation String Full explanation of the vulnerability
consequences String Potential consequences if the vulnerability gets exploited
title String!
access String Access level required to exploit this vulnerability
expertise String Expertise required to exploit this vulnerability
resources String Resources required to exploit this vulnerability
kbLink String Link to the knowledge base article about this vulnerability
severity DisplaySeverity
numberOfSlots Int! Number of affected slots
slots VulnerabilitySlotConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
project Project
report Report


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [ReportVulnerabilityEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a ReportVulnerability and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node ReportVulnerability The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Request Jira Integration access token and secret to finalize the integration connection

Field Argument Type Description
jiraIntegration JiraIntegration!
clientMutationId String


Resets the password of a user

Field Argument Type Description
password String! New password of the target user
clientMutationId String


A rule to follow for secure cryptography, with associated explanations and suggestions for remediation.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
number Int!
shortExplanation String
explanation String
consequences String
title String!
access String
expertise String
resources String
kbLink String
category RuleCategory!
filterStatus FilterStatus! Status of the rule with regards to project exceptions
instances InstanceConnection!
keptByFilters Boolean
filters InstancesFilter
sorters [InstancesSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
severity DisplaySeverity
mainObjectTypes [RuleObjectType]


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [RuleEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a Rule and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Rule The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String! Name of the scan.
description String! Description of the scan.
startedAt DateTime! Start time for this scan (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
endedAt DateTime End time, if cancelled or completed, for this scan (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
totalHosts Int! Number of hosts included in the scan, updates dynamically throughout the scan
failedHosts Int! Number of hosts where scan has failed, updates dynamically throughout the scan
successfulHosts Int! Number of hosts where scan has succeed, updates dynamically throughout the scan
type ScanType! Type of the scan.
status ScanStatus! Status of the scan.
project Project Project of the scan.
hosts ScanHostConnection! Hosts in the scan.
filters ScanHostsFilter
sorters [ScanHostsSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [ScanEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a Scan and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Scan The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String! Name of the host.
status HostStatus! Status of the host.
platform Platform! Host platform.
statusReason String! Reason why the host is in current status.
originId String! ID from the origin service (eg., CrowdStrike host id...).


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [ScanHostEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a ScanHost and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node ScanHost The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Scan hosts via CrowdStrike

Field Argument Type Description
scan Scan!
clientMutationId String


Schedule a job to update the exceptions cache of a report

Field Argument Type Description
report Report!
clientMutationId String


Field Argument Type Description
export BatchExport
clientMutationId String


Export instance to ServiceNow

Field Argument Type Description
incident IncidentInfo!
clientMutationId String


Details of the connection parameters to ServiceNow

Field Argument Type Description
instanceUrl String!
userID String!


Field Argument Type Description
high Int!
med Int!
low Int!
passed Int!


Field Argument Type Description
digest Digest
algorithm Algorithm
rsaPadding RsaPadding


Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String! Name of the slot.
description String Description of the slot.
traceType TraceType! Type of the slot.
traces TraceConnection Traces of the slot.
filters TracesFilter
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
reports ReportConnection Reports of the slot.
filters ReportsFilter
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
project Project Project of the slot.
tags [String] Tags of the slot.
latestReport Report Latest successfully completed report.
lastReport Report Last generated report.
lastReportTraceName String Last report trace name.
lastReportCreatedAt DateTime Last report created at.
lastReportState State Last report state.
reportCount Int Number of reports.
distinctCallSites Int Number of distinct call sites.


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [SlotEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a Slot and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Slot The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


A SSH handshake detected in a network trace.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
initiatorIp String! Client IP
initiatorPort Int Client port
targetIp String! Server IP
targetPort Int Server port
timestamp Float
clientSupportedKexAlgs [String] Key exchange algorithms supported by the client
clientSupportedServerHostkeyAlgs [String] Server signature algorithms supported by the client
clientSupportedMacC2sAlgs [String] Client to server authentication algorithms supported by the client
clientSupportedMacS2cAlgs [String] Server to client authentication algorithms supported by the client
clientSupportedSymencC2sAlgs [String] Client to server encryption algorithms supported by the client
clientSupportedSymencS2cAlgs [String] Server to client encryption algorithms supported by the client
serverSupportedKexAlgs [String] Key exchange algorithms supported by the server
serverSupportedServerHostkeyAlgs [String] Server signature algorithms supported by the server
serverSupportedMacC2sAlgs [String] Client to server authentication algorithms supported by the server
serverSupportedMacS2cAlgs [String] Server to client authentication algorithms supported by the server
serverSupportedSymencC2sAlgs [String] Client to server encryption algorithms supported by the server
serverSupportedSymencS2cAlgs [String] Server to client encryption algorithms supported by the server
selectedKexAlg String Selected key exchange algorithm
selectedServerHostkeyAlg String Selected server signature algorithm
selectedMacC2sAlg String Selected client to server authentication algorithm
selectedMacS2cAlg String Selected server to client authentication algorithm
selectedSymencC2sAlg String Selected client to server encryption algorithm
selectedSymencS2cAlg String Selected server to client encryption algorithm
clientProtocolVersion String Client protocol version
clientSoftwareVersion String Client software version
clientSoftwareComments String Client software comments
serverProtocolVersion String Server protocol version
serverSoftwareVersion String Server software version
serverSoftwareComments String Server software comments
status SshHandshakeStatus!


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [SshHandshakeEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a SshHandshake and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node SshHandshake The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


A single line from an application stacktrace.

Field Argument Type Description
class String Fully-qualified class name
method String! Method name
line Int Line number
file String File name


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [StackFrameEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a StackFrame and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node StackFrame The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Start retrieving traces from Tanium endpoints for a given project.

Field Argument Type Description
result ProjectTanium!
clientMutationId String


Stop retrieving traces from Tanium endpoints for a given project.

Field Argument Type Description
result ProjectTanium!
clientMutationId String


Details of the connection parameters to Tanium

Field Argument Type Description
url String!
accessToken String!
trustedCaCertificate String
maxConcurrentRetrievals Int
requestRate Int
requestTimeout Int
downloadRequestTimeout Int


A slice of time representation.

Field Argument Type Description
from DateTime!
to DateTime!
high Int!
medium Int!
low Int!
passed Int!


A TLS handshake detected in a network trace.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
initiatorIp String! Client IP
initiatorPort Int Client port
targetIp String! Server IP
targetPort Int Server port
timestamp Float
serverNameIndication String Client-specified name of the server they desire to connect to. Specified in
clientHighestVersion TlsVersion! The highest TLS version supported by the client (as advertised by the client)
clientSupportedVersionsExtension [TlsVersion] List of TLS versions advertised by the client, if the client used the supported_versions extension
serverChosenVersion TlsVersion The TLS version chosen by the server
supportedCiphersuites [CiphersuiteInfo]! Ciphersuites offered by the server
selectedCiphersuite CiphersuiteInfo
supportedGroups [GroupInfo] EC groups supported by the server
selectedGroup GroupInfo
status TlsHandshakeStatus!


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [TraceEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A trace that has been successfully loaded.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String!
createdAt DateTime! Creation time for this trace (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
size BigInt
slot Slot
jvmName String Only for java traces
jvmVendor String Only for java traces
jvmArguments [String] Only for java traces
javaClassPath [String] Only for java traces
traceType TraceType
reports ReportConnection
filters ReportsFilter
before String
after String
first Int
last Int


A Relay edge containing a Trace and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Trace The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


A trace that has failed to load.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String!
createdAt DateTime! Creation time for this trace (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
size BigInt
slot Slot
jvmName String Only for java traces
jvmVendor String Only for java traces
jvmArguments [String] Only for java traces
javaClassPath [String] Only for java traces
traceType TraceType
reason String


A trace that is still being loaded.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String!
createdAt DateTime! Creation time for this trace (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
size BigInt
slot Slot
jvmName String Only for java traces
jvmVendor String Only for java traces
jvmArguments [String] Only for java traces
javaClassPath [String] Only for java traces
traceType TraceType


Unlink an existing CrowdStrike integration

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Unlink Jira Integration and clear all existing values

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Unlink organization level jira issue collector

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Unlink Project level jira integration and clean the configuration

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Unlink Project level jira issue collector

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Unlink Project level Tanium integration and clean the configuration

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Delete existing ServiceNow settings

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Unlink an existing Tanium integration

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Unlink an existing Venafi integration

Field Argument Type Description
clientMutationId String


Update an existing CrowdStrike integration

Field Argument Type Description
crowdStrikeIntegration CrowdStrikeIntegration!
clientMutationId String


Update a fuzzer Profile.

Field Argument Type Description
profile Profile!
clientMutationId String


Update an existing Jira settings

Field Argument Type Description
jiraIntegration JiraIntegration!
clientMutationId String


Update an existing Jira settings URL and generate public and private keys

Field Argument Type Description
jiraIntegration JiraIntegration!
clientMutationId String


Update an existing Jira settings

Field Argument Type Description
organization Organization!
clientMutationId String


Updates a project exception.

Field Argument Type Description
exception ProjectException! The updated exception
clientMutationId String


Update a Project jira settings

Field Argument Type Description
projectJira ProjectJira!
clientMutationId String


Update a Project jira issue collector settings

Field Argument Type Description
projectJira ProjectJira!
clientMutationId String


Update an already existing project

Field Argument Type Description
project Project!
clientMutationId String


Update an existing Tanium integration

Field Argument Type Description
projectTanium ProjectTanium
clientMutationId String


Mutation to update ServiceNow integration settings for an organization.

This mutation allows an authenticated user to update the ServiceNow settings or create a new one if they do not exist. Settings are tested against the ServiceNow instance to ensure correctness.

Note: Inputs are validated with strict length validations because ServiceNow will accept any input and truncate it to the max allowed length.

Field Argument Type Description
serviceNowIntegration ServiceNowIntegration!
clientMutationId String


Update an already existing slot

Field Argument Type Description
slot Slot!
clientMutationId String


Update an existing Tanium integration

Field Argument Type Description
taniumIntegration TaniumIntegration!
clientMutationId String


Update a tracer Profile.

Field Argument Type Description
profile Profile!
clientMutationId String


Updates an existing user

Field Argument Type Description
user User!
clientMutationId String


Update an existing Venafi integration

Field Argument Type Description
venafiIntegration VenafiIntegration!
clientMutationId String


Upload a certificate to Venafi

For a detailed overview of available parameters visit:

Field Argument Type Description
guid String!
clientMutationId String


Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String!
preferredName String
origin Origin!
level UserLevel! Permission level of the user
canChangePassword Boolean
organization Organization!
projects ProjectConnection
name String
filters ProjectsFilter
sorters [ProjectsSorter]
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
project Project
name String!
roles [Role!]! A user can have one or more roles. Each role grants the user specific permissions.
permissions Permissions User permissions
authTags [String] Authorization tags of the user.


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [UserEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a User and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node User The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Details of the connection parameters to Venafi

Field Argument Type Description
url String!
accessToken String!
trustedCaCertificate String


Vulnerability connected to a project or a group of projects in an organization.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
number Int!
shortExplanation String Short explanation of the vulnerability
explanation String Full explanation of the vulnerability
consequences String Potential consequences if the vulnerability gets exploited
title String!
access String Access level required to exploit this vulnerability
expertise String Expertise required to exploit this vulnerability
resources String Resources required to exploit this vulnerability
kbLink String Link to the knowledge base article about this vulnerability
severity DisplaySeverity
numberOfSlots Int! Number of affected slots
slots VulnerabilitySlotConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
project Project
report Report


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [VulnerabilityEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a Vulnerability and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node Vulnerability The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Slot representation for vulnerability with statistics for failed and passed instances. Statistics are calculated from the context where we requested it, from either Vulnerability or ReportVulnerability.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object
name String!
instancesPassed Int!
instancesFailed Int!
latestReportId ID


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges [VulnerabilitySlotEdge]! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int!


A Relay edge containing a VulnerabilitySlot and its cursor.

Field Argument Type Description
node VulnerabilitySlot The item at the end of the edge
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination


Counter of vulnerabilities aggregated by severity.

Field Argument Type Description
severity InstanceSeverity!
amount Int



Field Type Description
traceId ID! ID of the trace to analyze
profileId ID ID of the profile to use for analysis
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
subFilters [CallSitesFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field CallSitesFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field CallSitesSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
reportId ID!
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
reportId ID! ID of the report
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
scanId ID!
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
reportId ID! ID of the report
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
subFilters [CertificatesFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field CertificatesFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field CertificatesSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
currentPassword String! Current password. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored.
newPassword String! New password. The password must be at least 8 characters long. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored.
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
baseUrl String! Instance URL
clientId String! Client ID
clientSecret String! Client secret
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectKey String! Jira project key
issuetypeKey String! Jira issue type key
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectKey String! Jira project key
issuetypeKey String! Jira issue type key
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
instanceUrl String! Instance URL
userID String! ServiceNow User ID
password String ServiceNow User password
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
computerGroup String Computer Group
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
url String! Instance URL
accessToken String! Access token
trustedCaCertificate String Trusted CA Certificate
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
url String! Instance URL
accessToken String! Access token
trustedCaCertificate String Trusted CA Certificate
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
field CiphersuitesSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
name String!
disabledRules [Int!]!
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
name String! User name. Must be unique in the organization. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored. The value is converted to lowercase.
preferredName String Preferred user name for display. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored.
level UserLevel Permission level of the user
roles [Role!] Roles to assign to the user
authTags [String] Authorization tags
password String! Password of the user. The password must be at least 8 characters long. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored.
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId ID!
traceType TraceType!
type ProjectExceptionType!
term String!
description String
active Boolean
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
name String! Project name
description String Project description
profileId ID! ID of the default profile for the project
maxItemCount Int Maximum item count for the project
authTags [String] Authorization tags
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
reportId0 ID!
reportId1 ID!
forceRecreate Boolean
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId ID! ID of the project to create the slot in
traceType TraceType! Trace type to create the slot with
name String! Slot name
description String Slot description
tags [String] Slot tags
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId ID! Project ID
slotName String! Slot name
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId ID! ID of the project to create the trace in
profileId ID ID of the profile to analyze the trace with
slotId ID ID of the slot to create the trace in
defaultSlotName String Default name of the slot to be created if no slot is selected
name String Name for the new trace. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored. Defaults to fileName if empty.
fileName String Name of the trace file. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored. Defaults to the current timestamp if empty. Ignored if name is provided.
key String! S3 key of the trace file
size BigInt! Size of the trace file in bytes
generateReport Boolean Generate report for the trace
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
name String!
expiringSoon Int!
disabledRules [Int!]!
symmetricProfile LengthProfileInput!
rsaProfile LengthProfileInput!
ecProfile LengthProfileInput!
certificateValidityProfile LengthProfileInput!
staleKeyProfile LengthProfileInput!
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
profileId ID! Profile to delete
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
exceptionId ID! ID of the exception to delete
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId ID! Project to delete
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
reportId ID! Report to delete
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
slotId ID! Slot to delete
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
traceId ID! Trace to delete
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
userId ID! ID of the user to delete
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
subFilters [ExpandedScansFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field ExpandedScansFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
streamId String! Stream id acquired from `createStreamUpload`.
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
fromPart Int! Value from 1-10.000, inclusive.
numberOfParts Int! Value from 1-100, inclusive.
streamId String! Stream id acquired from `createStreamUpload`.
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
certificateId ID! Certificate to get Venafi certificate details for
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
subFilters [HandshakesFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field HandshakesFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field HandshakesSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
subFilters [InstancesFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field InstancesFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field InstancesSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
instanceId ID!
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
reportId ID!
issueIds [Int!] List of rule numbers whose instances we want to export
instancesKeptByFilters Boolean Status of the Instance with regards to project exceptions
instanceIds [ID!] List of IDs of the instances to export
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
subFilters [KeysFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field KeysFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
medHighThreshold Int!
lowMedThreshold Int!
offLowThreshold Int!


Field Type Description
subFilters [OperationsFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field OperationsFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field OperationsSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
subFilters [OrganizationCertificatesFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field OrganizationCertificatesFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
subFilters [OrganizationKeysFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field OrganizationKeysFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
reportId ID! ID of the report to modify
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
subFilters [ProfilesFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field ProfilesFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field ProfilesSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
subFilters [ProjectExceptionsFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field ProjectExceptionsFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field ProjectExceptionsSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
subFilters [ProjectsFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field ProjectsFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field ProjectsSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
platforms [Platform] Only return hosts whose platform is in the provided list. Defaults to Windows and Linux.
hostname String Only return hosts whose hostname matches the provided string.
lastSeenHours Int Only return hosts last seen within the provided number of hours.
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
streamId String! Stream id acquired from `createStreamUpload`.
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
subFilters [ReportsFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field ReportsFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field ReportsSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
userId ID! ID of the target user
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
subFilters [RulesFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field RulesFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
subFilters [ScanHostsFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field ScanHostsFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field ScanHostsSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
scanName String Name for the scan
platforms [Platform] Only scan hosts whose platform is in the provided list. Defaults to Windows and Linux.
hostname String Only scan hosts whose hostname matches the provided string.
lastSeenHours Int Only scan hosts last seen within the provided number of hours.
projectId ID! ID of the project to create the trace in
profileId ID ID of the profile to be used. Only filesystem scanner is supported at the moment.
scheduled Boolean Flag indicating if the scan is a scheduled one or a manual one.
maxBatchSize Int Maximum number of hosts to be included in a single batch command.
windowsRoot String Windows directory path to start searching from if the scan target is a filesystem. Defaults to 'C:'.
linuxRoot String Linux directory path to start searching from if the scan target is a filesystem. Defaults to '/'.
workLoad Int Define the limit as a percentage on the CPU load of the Filesystem Scanner during its execution. The default value is 100, which is no limit.
maxFilesPerSecond Int Set the limit on the number of files scanned per second. The default value is 0 which is no limit.
maxFileSize Int The cutoff size in bytes for files to be scanned (not applicable to ZIP files). The default is 1000000 (1MB). If set to 0, the cutoff is disabled.
tags [String] Assign tags to categorize the generated trace.
exclude [String] Exclude a file or directory from a scan. You can specify this multiple times to exclude several files or directories. This is especially useful to avoid scanning network filesystems. It’s important to note that the scanner doesn't avoid any filesystem by default.
image String The image name if the scan target is a container.
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
subFilters [ScansFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field ScansFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field ScansSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
reportId ID! ID of the report to update
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
reportId ID! ID of the report
ruleNumbers [Int!] List of rule numbers whose instances we want to export
instanceIds [ID!] List of IDs of the instances to export
instanceIsKeptByFilters Boolean Status of the Instance with regards to project exceptions
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
instanceId ID!
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
subFilters [SlotsFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field SlotsFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field SlotsSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
subFilters [SshHandshakesFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field SshHandshakesFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field SshHandshakesSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow


Field Type Description
projectId String! Project ID
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId String! Project ID
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
subFilters [TracesFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field TracesFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId ID! Project ID
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId ID! Project ID
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId ID! Project ID
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
baseUrl String! Instance URL
clientId String! Client ID
clientSecret String! Client secret
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
profileId ID!
name String!
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectKey String Jira project key
issuetypeKey String Jira issue type key
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
url String! Jira instance URL
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
issueCollectorCode String! Jira issue collector code
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
exceptionId ID! ID of the exception to update
traceType TraceType The new trace type. If `null`, the existing trace type is kept.
type ProjectExceptionType The new type. If `null`, the existing type is kept.
term String The new term. If `null`, the existing term is kept.
description String The new description. If `null`, the existing description is kept.
active Boolean The new active state. If `null`, the existing active state is kept.
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId ID! ID of the project to update
name String Project name
description String Project description
testers [ID!] List of tester user IDs
maxItemCount Int Maximum item count for the project
authTags [String] Authorization tags
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId ID! Project ID
projectKey String! Jira project key
issueTypeKey String! Jira issue type name
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId ID! Project ID
issueCollectorCode String! Jira issue collector HTML code
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
projectId String! Analyzer project ID
computerGroup String! Tanium ID of Computer Group to retrieve traces from
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
instanceUrl String! ServiceNow Instance URL
userID String! ServiceNow User ID
password String! ServiceNow User password
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
slotId ID! ID of the slot to update
name String Slot name
description String Slot description
tags [String] Slot tags
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
url String! Instance URL
accessToken String! Access token
trustedCaCertificate String Trusted CA Certificate
maxConcurrentRetrievals Int Max concurrent retrievals
requestRate Int Request rate
requestTimeout Int Request timeout
downloadRequestTimeout Int Download request timeout
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
profileId ID!
name String!
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
userId ID! ID of the user to update
preferredName String Preferred user name for display. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored.
level UserLevel New permission level of the user
roles [Role!] New roles of the user. If a non-empty list is provided, existing roles are replaced. This argument should not be used if user authorization is managed by an external OpenID provider.
authTags [String] New authorization tags. If an empty list is provided, existing authorization tags are removed from the user.
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
url String! Instance URL
accessToken String! Access token
trustedCaCertificate String Trusted CA Certificate
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
certificateId ID! ID of a certificate to be uploaded to Venafi.
policyDn String! The Distinguished Name (DN) of the folder that will hold the certificate.
reconcile Boolean The setting to control certificate and corresponding private key replacement. False by default.
clientMutationId String


Field Type Description
subFilters [UsersFilter!] List of recursive filters to be applied.
field UsersFilterFields Field name from the model.
value String Value to be used in "operation" on "field".
values [String] Values to be used in "CONTAINS" "operation" on "field" with
operation OperationEnum Operation to be applied on the "field", defaults to CONTAINS.
operator OperatorEnum Operator between subFilters, defaults to OR.


Field Type Description
field UsersSorterFields! Field name from the model.
order OrderEnum Order of the sorting flow



Value Description


Value Description
callingClassMethod CallSite class and method. Expected format: ".". Case insensitive. Filterable by EQ, CONTAINS.
calledClassMethod CallSite called_class and called_method. Expected format: ".". Case insensitive. Filterable by EQ, CONTAINS.
location CallSite file and line. Expected format: ": ". Case insensitive. Filterable by EQ, CONTAINS.
status CallSite status state: "MISSED", "COVERED", "NOT_COVERED". Filterable by EQ, NEQ.


Value Description
id Unique id property.
callingClassMethod The name of the calling class and calling method
calledClassMethod The name of the called class and called method
location The name of the file and line
status The status of the callsite.


Value Description
isUsed Is this a used certificate: TRUE or FALSE
isSelfSigned Is the certificate issuer identical to its subject: TRUE or FALSE
isCa Is this a CA certificate: TRUE or FALSE
hasPrivateKey Does the certificate have a private key: TRUE or FALSE
digestAlgorithm The certificate digest algorithm: MD2, MD5, SHA_1, SHA_224, SHA_256, SHA_384, SHA_512, SHAKE_128, SHAKE_256.
validityLength The certificate validity length: MORE_THAN_10_YEARS, 5_TO_10_YEARS, 2_TO_5_YEARS, LESS_THAN_2_YEARS.
validity Certificate validity: NOT_VALID_YET, EXPIRING_SOON, EXPIRED, VALID.
search Certificate search
keyLength The key length (in bits).


Value Description
id Unique id property.
expiryDate Certificate expiry date.
digestAlgorithm Certificate digest algorithm.
fingerprint Certificate fingerprint


Value Description


Value Description
nid Unique id property.
name Name given by IETF to a recognized ciphersuite. ('TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256', 'TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL', ...)
recommended Is Ciphersuite recommended by IETF.
kex Key exchange algorithm used. (ECDHE, DHE, RSA, ...).
version Ciphersuite version.
auth Authentication algorithm used. (ECDSA, RSA, PSK, ...).
algorithmSym Block/stream cipher algorithm used. (AES, RC4, ...).
mac MAC algorithm used. (AEAD for TLS1.3, SHA256, ...).
modeOfOperation Mode of operation used by the block cipher. 'null' if stream cipher is used. (GCM, CBC, CCM, ...)
hashAlg Hash algorithm used; serves as HKDF for TLS1.3 and as a MAC for TLS1.2. (SHA-family, MD5, ...)


Value Description


An enumeration.

Value Description


Value Description
name Scan name, unique value per project.
type Type of the scan, filterable by EQ, NEQ. EQ checks if it is exact type. NEQ checks if it is not provided type.
status Status of the scan, filterable by EQ, NEQ. EQ checks if it is exact status. NEQ checks if it is not provided status.
startedAt Start date of the scan.
endedAt End date, either cancelled or completed, of the scan.
project Project id, filterable by EQ, NEQ. EQ checks if it is exact status. NEQ checks if it is not provided status.


An enumeration.

Value Description


An enumeration.

Value Description


An enumeration.

Value Description


Status of an object with regards to project exceptions

Value Description
FULLY_KEPT No calls or operations removed by filters.
PARTIALLY_KEPT Some calls or operations removed by filters.
NOT_KEPT All calls or operations removed by filters.


Value Description


Value Description
initiator_ip Source IP.
target_ip Target IP.
initiator_port Source port.
target_port Target port.
timestamp Timestamp.
server_name_indication Server name.
ciphersuite Filter by selected or supported ciphersuite.
client_tls_version Filter by client highest version or client supported versions extension.
server_chosen_version Server chosen version.


Value Description
id Unique id property.
initiator_ip Source IP.
target_ip Target IP.
initiator_port Source port.
target_port Target port.
timestamp Timestamp.
server_name_indication Name of the server.
client_highest_version Client highest version.
client_supported_versions_extension Client supported versions extension.
server_chosen_version Server chosen version.


An enumeration.

Value Description


An enumeration.

Value Description


Use strings of numbers as the value to allow sorting to work as expected in postgres and sqlite, but still allow sqlalchemy type conversion to work

Value Description


Value Description
severity Severity of the instance: PASSED, LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH.
number The instance number.
numberLocal Number of the instance within instances of the same rule.


Value Description
id Unique id property.
number The instance number.
severity Severity of the instance: PASSED, LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH.
numberLocal Number of the instance within instances of the same rule.


An enumeration.

Value Description


An enumeration.

Value Description


Value Description
isUsed Is this a used key: TRUE or FALSE.
isTlsSession Is this a TLS session key: TRUE or FALSE.
category The key category: SYMMETRIC, PUBLIC, PRIVATE.
length The key length (in bits).


Supported operation algorithms

Value Description


Supported operation categories

Value Description


Supported operation contexts

Value Description


An enumeration.

Value Description
CONTAINS Applies `{field} CONTAINS {value}` operation. `CONTAINS` will check for string match in the field value. eg., `name` CONTAINS `desc` will select nodes that have word `desc` in their name. `createdAt` CONTAINS `2019` will select nodes that were created in theyear 2019.
EQ Applies `{field} EQUALS {value}` operation. `EQUALS` will check if the `value` is exactly the same to the field value. eg., `name` EQUALS `Project 1` will select node that has the exact name `Project 1`. `createdAt` EQUALS `2019-10-17` will select nodes that were created on the17th Oct, 2019.
NEQ Applies `{field} NOT EQUALS {value}` operation. `NOT EQUALS` will check if the `value` is not the same to the field value. eg., `name` NOT EQUALS `Project 1` will select nodes that do not have the name `Project 1`. `createdAt` NOT EQUALS `2019-10-17` will select nodes that were not created on the 17th Oct, 2019.
GT Applies `{field} GREATER THAN {value}` operation. `GREATER THAN` will check if the `value` is greater than the field value. eg., `name` GREATER THAN `Project 1` will select nodes that have names alphabetically after `Project 1`, like `Project 2` or `The project`. `createdAt` GREATER THAN `2019-10-17` will select nodes that were created after 17th Oct, 2019.
GE Applies `{field} GREATER OR EQUALS THAN {value}` operation. `GREATER OR EQUALS THAN` will check if the `value` is greater or equal to the field value. GE combines GT and EQ operations. eg., `name` GREATER OR EQUALS THAN `Project 1` will select nodes with names alphabetically after `Project 1` (like `Project 2` or `The project`) or have the name `Project 1`. `createdAt` GREATER OR EQUALS THAN `2019-10-17` will select nodes that were created on and after 17th Oct, 2019.
LT Applies `{field} LESS THAN {value}` operation. `LESS THAN` will check if the `value` is lesser than the field value. eg., `name` LESS THAN `Project 1` will select nodes that have names alphabetically before `Project 1`, like `Project 0` or `My project`. `createdAt` LESS THAN `2019-10-17` will select nodes that were created before 17th Oct, 2019.
LE Applies `{field} LESS OR EQUALS THAN {value}` operation. `LESS OR EQUALS THAN` will check if the `value` is lesser or equal to the field value. LE combines LT and EQ operations. eg., `name` LESS OR EQUALS THAN `Project 1` will select nodes with names alphabetically before `Project 1` (like `Project 0` or `My project`) or have the name `Project 1`. `createdAt` LESS OR EQUALS THAN `2019-10-17` will select nodes that were created on and before 17th Oct, 2019.


Supported operation types

Value Description


Value Description
type The operation type. Filterable by EQ, NEQ. 'value' must be one of `OperationType`.
category The operation category. Filterable by EQ, NEQ. 'value' must be one of `OperationCategory`.
context The operation context. Filterable by EQ, NEQ. 'value' must be one of `OperationContext`.
algorithms The algorithms used in the operation. Filterable by CONTAINS. 'values' must be a non-empty list of `OperationAlgorithm`.
timestamp The operation timestamp. Filterable by EQ, GE, GT, LE and LT. 'value' must be a valid ISO-8601 datetime string.


Value Description
id Unique id property
type The operation type
category The operation category
context The operation context
timestamp The operation timestamp


An enumeration.

Value Description
AND Provided subFilters will be organized in an `AND` expression where all of the conditions have to be True for the node to be selected. eg., *value_1 AND value_2*, only if both are correct, node will be selected
OR Provided subFilters will be organized in an `OR` expression where at least one of the conditions have to be True for the node to be selected. eg., *value_1 OR value_2*, if either one is correct, node will be selected
NOT Provided subFilters will be negated and only the first value in `subFilters` will be considered. eg., *NOT value_1*, the result of `value_1` will be negated and used for the selection of a node. If `value_1` is False, it will become True and vice-versa.


An enumeration.

Value Description
ASC Ascending order: returning elements will be organized in lower-high or in an alphabetical order (A-Z).
DESC Descending order: returning elements will be organized in high-lower or in a reverse alphabetical order (Z-A).


Value Description
isCa Is this a CA certificate: TRUE or FALSE
isSelfSigned Is this certificate's issuer identical to its subject: TRUE or FALSE
digestAlgorithm The certificate digest algorithm: MD2, MD5, SHA_1, SHA_224, SHA_256, SHA_384, SHA_512, SHAKE_128, SHAKE_256.
validityLength The certificate validity length: MORE_THAN_10_YEARS, 5_TO_10_YEARS, 2_TO_5_YEARS, LESS_THAN_2_YEARS.
validity Certificate validity: NOT_VALID_YET, EXPIRING_SOON, EXPIRED, VALID.
keyLength The key length (in bits).


Value Description
category The key category: SYMMETRIC, PUBLIC, PRIVATE.
length The key length (in bits).


An enumeration.

Value Description


Type of an overview to link with internal filters.

Value Description


An enumeration.

Value Description


Value Description


Value Description
name Profile name, unique value per organization.
type Profile type


Value Description
id Unique id property.
name Profile name, unique value.
type Profile type, TRACER or FUZZER.
preset Whether the profile is a predefined AQtive Guard profile


An enumeration.

Value Description


Value Description
type Exception type: "BLACKLIST" or "WHITELIST". Filterable by EQ, NEQ.
term Exception term. Filterable by EQ, CONTAINS. Case sensitive.
description Exception description. Filterable by EQ, CONTAINS. Case insensitive.
active Exception active state: "TRUE" or "FALSE". Filterable by EQ, NEQ.
traceType Exception trace type. Filterable by EQ, NEQ.


Value Description
id Unique id property.
type Exception type: "BLACKLIST" or "WHITELIST"
term Exception term
description Exception description
active Exception active state: "TRUE" or "FALSE"
traceType Exception trace type


An enumeration.

Value Description


Value Description
name Project name, unique value per organization.
tags List of project tags, filterable by CONTAINS and EQ. CONTAINS checks if any of the tags matches. EQ checks if all of the tags are present.
defaultProfile Default profile, filterable by EQ only.
lastAnalysis Creation or completion time of the latest report in the project, filterable by EQ, GE, GT, LE and GT.
lastUpdated ⚠️ Last update, filterable by EQ, GE, GT, LE and GT.


This filter is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the `lastAnalysis` filter instead.


Value Description
id Unique id property.
name Project name, unique value per organization.
lastAnalysis Creation or completion time of the latest report in this project.


The status of the cache of a report with respect to the current exceptions of its project

Value Description
CACHED The cache reflects the current exceptions of the project
NOT_CACHED The cache does not reflect the current exceptions of the project
UPDATE_SCHEDULED The cache is scheduled to be updated
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS The cache is currently being updated


Value Description
name Report name, unique value per project.
createdAt Creation date of the report.
completedAt Completion date of the report.
traceType Type of the trace used to create the report. Filterable by EQ, NEQ


Value Description
id Unique id property.
name Report name.


An enumeration.

Value Description


Value Description


Value Description


An enumeration.

Value Description


Value Description
number The rule number.


An enumeration.

Value Description


Value Description
name Host name, unique value per project.
status Status of the host, filterable by EQ, NEQ. EQ checks if it is exact status. NEQ checks if it is not provided status.
platform Host platform, filterable by EQ, NEQ. EQ checks if it is exact platform. NEQ checks if it is not provided platform.
originId Origin id, format relevant to the origin service.


Value Description
id Unique id property.
name Host name.
status The host status.
platform The host platform.
originId ID from the origin service.


An enumeration.

Value Description


An enumeration.

Value Description


Value Description
name Scan name, unique value per project.
type Type of the scan, filterable by EQ, NEQ. EQ checks if it is exact type. NEQ checks if it is not provided type.
status Status of the scan, filterable by EQ, NEQ. EQ checks if it is exact status. NEQ checks if it is not provided status.
startedAt Start date of the scan.
endedAt End date, either cancelled or completed, of the scan.


Value Description
id Unique id property.
name Scan name.
type The scan type.
status The scan status.
startedAt Start time of the scan.
totalHosts Number of hosts in the scan.
successfulHosts Number of successful hosts in the scan.
failedHosts Number of failed hosts in the scan.


Value Description
name Slot name, unique value per project.
tags Slot tags.
traceType The slot trace type (Enum value).
lastReportTraceName The trace name of the last report for the slot.
lastReportCreatedAt The creation time of the last report for the slot.
lastReportState The state of the last report for the slot.
reportCount Number of reports in a slot.


Value Description
id Unique id property.
name Slot name.
traceType The slot trace type.
lastReportTraceName The trace name of the last report for the slot.
lastReportCreatedAt The creation time of the last report for the slot.
lastReportState The state of the last report for the slot.
reportCount Number of reports in a slot.


SSH handshake status

Value Description


Value Description
initiator_ip Source IP.
target_ip Target IP.
initiator_port Source port.
target_port Target port.
timestamp Timestamp.


Value Description
id Unique id property.
initiator_ip Source IP.
target_ip Target IP.
initiator_port Source port.
target_port Target port.
timestamp Timestamp.


An enumeration.

Value Description


TLS handshake status

Value Description


Handshake TLS version

Value Description


An enumeration.

Value Description


Value Description
name Report name, unique value per project.
createdAt Creation date of the report.
traceType Trace type. Filterable by EQ, NEQ


An enumeration.

Value Description


Value Description
name User name, unique value per organization. Filterable by EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, NEQ, CONTAINS.
preferredName User preferred name. Filterable by EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, NEQ, CONTAINS.
level User permission level. Filterable by CONTAINS, EQ, NEQ: CONTAINS checks if any of the levels matches. EQ checks if level is present. NEQ checks level is not present.
role User role. Filterable by CONTAINS. Matches users having at least all the provided roles.
origin Account type. Filterable by EQ.


Value Description
id Unique ID property.
level User level.
name User name.
preferredName User preferred name.
origin Account type.
current Whether the requesting user is the currently logged in user.



The BigInt scalar type represents non-fractional whole numeric values. BigInt is not constrained to 32-bit like the Int type and thus is a less compatible type.


The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.


The DateTime scalar type represents a DateTime value as specified by iso8601.


The Float scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.


The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.


The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.


Allows use of a JSON String for input / output from the GraphQL schema.

Use of this type is not recommended as you lose the benefits of having a defined, static schema (one of the key benefits of GraphQL).


The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.



The exchange between a server and network client to establish a secure channel.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
initiatorIp String! Client IP
initiatorPort Int Client port
targetIp String! Server IP
targetPort Int Server port
timestamp Float


Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The ID of the object


Parent type for all specific Report types: ReportPending, ReportFailed, ReportDone

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
name String!
createdAt DateTime! Creation time for this report (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
project Project
profile Profile
slot Slot
trace Trace
traceType TraceType
ruleset Ruleset


Parent type for all specific Trace types: TracePending, TraceFailed, TraceDone

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
name String!
createdAt DateTime! Creation time for this trace (UTC, in ISO8601 format)
size BigInt
slot Slot
jvmName String Only for java traces
jvmVendor String Only for java traces
jvmArguments [String] Only for java traces
javaClassPath [String] Only for java traces
traceType TraceType



Type Description
CrowdStrikeIntegration Details of the connection parameters to Tanium
JiraIntegration Details of the connection parameters to JIRA
JiraIssueCollectorIntegration Details of the connection parameters to JIRA Issue Collector
ServiceNowIntegration Details of the connection parameters to ServiceNow
TaniumIntegration Details of the connection parameters to Tanium
VenafiIntegration Details of the connection parameters to Venafi