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AQtive Guard Changelog

This is the list of version numbers of AQtive Guard and their deployment dates in SaaS at Each version number is shown with a list of changes brought by that version.

24.10.3 - 2024-10-23

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • Updated the jira_export_instance mutation:
      • Revert deprecation in favor of allowing a controlled single instance export
      • Updated validations to match the latest changes around JIRA connections.

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Deleting the last report of a profile will immediately delete the profile, instead of after a delay
    • Updated JIRA Connection Checker to explicitly check for the existence of an issue type

24.10.2 - 2024-10-16

What’s new

  • UI
    • Updated project creation and flow validation
      • Don’t apply upper limit when organization has licensed unlimited reports.
  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Added the ReportDone.locations connection to retrieve all locations found in a report
      • Added filtering support to the Location.instances connection

24.10.1 - 2024-10-09

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • Added the inputs fromDate and toDate to Organization.overview to allow getting overview summary based on date range

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Fixed a UI bug where some threshold rule values were not displayed when viewing profiles in read-only mode
    • Fixed a bug where the export of the dashboard into overview.csv does not take into account selected time period

24.10.0 - 2024-10-02

What’s new

  • UI
    • Improved display of time ranges in the Organization Dashboard Instance Summary charts
  • APIs & Backend
    • Enabled Tanium integration for retrieval process with features like:
      • Migrated the project settings to a new UI
      • Enhanced retrieval logs with more detailed and enriched data for every retrieval step
      • Allow log download while the retrieval is in progress
      • Introduced additional configuration options for reattempts of retrieval steps

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Fixed a regression that would prevent users from exporting a single instance to Jira
    • Corrected a typo in documentation that would prevent uploading traces in java tracer streaming mode.
  • APIs & Backend
    • Fixed an issue where some “low” and “medium” threshold values were incorrectly flagged as “high” severity
    • Tanium bug fixes
      • Tanium Retrieval is now done through concurrent worker job. This releases locked worker resources so that other queued jobs can also take place.
      • Log is no more limited to 30.000 characters
      • When updating computer group in settings, it is double-checked that the group actually exists on Tanium instance
      • During retrieval, there is a check to see if there is a trace file on the endpoint
      • General error handling for unexpected cases for each retrieval step is introduced

24.09.2 - 2024-09-11

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • Released Java Tracer version 2.2.1. Check Java tracer changelog for more information
    • Added support for streaming flow over the API. As part of that, included multiple new mutations to support the said flow
      • Added createStreamUpload mutation that creates new stream upload and provides stream id for additional stream actions
      • Added generatePresignedPartUrls mutation that provides a list of presigned urls for upload of several stream parts
      • Added finalizeStreamUpload mutation that runs the finalization process for the upload and starts an analysis over the stream
      • Added refreshStreamUpload mutation that heart-beat for stream upload, updates tracker of stream activity

24.08.4 - 2024-08-28

What’s new

  • UI
    • New Settings dropdown in the menu bar consolidates system configuration and API options:
      • Users - Create, edit, or manage AQtive Guard user accounts.
      • Integrations - Configure an integration between AQtive Guard and supported external systems.
      • Profiles - Create and manage Profiles, which define the criteria for cryptographic analysis.
      • Sensors - Explore the available AQtive Guard sensors.
      • API - Use the API Explorer to send requests and view responses for interacting with the AQtive Guard API.
    • Migrated Knowledge Base (cryptographic information and best practices) to a central repository
    • Added footer with a link to the official Accessibility Statement

24.08.3 - 2024-08-21

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • Improvement: Rule 75 that detects quantum vulnerable ciphersuites in Network reports is disabled for now since it has been replaced by rules 66 and 68 that look separately into signature and kex algorithms.
    • [GraphQL]: Added the ReportsFilter.traceType and TracesFilter.traceType fields to filter reports and traces based on their trace type. These filters can be applied on the Project.traces, Slot.traces, Project.reports, Slot.reports and Trace.reports connections.

Bug fixes

  • UI
  • Change formatting of Digest algorithm on the Report and Organization Certificates pages for filter dropdown to be consistent with table content

24.08.2 - 2024-08-16

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • Update Network Analyzer configuration to allow sensor download.

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Fixed the error when creating a new project in some configurations

24.08.1 - 2024-08-14

What’s new

  • UI
    • Add Network Analyzer to sensors page.
  • APIs & Backend
    • Support IAM authentication type when configuring managed secrets with the DATABASE_URL label. Example Usage:
      • DATABASE_URL='postgresql://:@<rds-ip-or-hostname>:5432/postgres'
      • SECRET_PROVIDER='{"provider": "aws", "config": {"region_name": "<region>"}, "labels":{"DATABASE_URL": {"label": {"hostname": "<rds-hostname>", "username": "postgres", "port": 5432}, "encoding": "RAW", "auth_type": "IAM"}}}'
      • For more details, refer to the configuration documentation.

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Fixed the case when an instance is exported to Jira, the Jira url persists on non-exported instance views

24.08.0 - 2024-08-07

What’s new

  • UI
    • Added the “Sensors” page to view AQtive Guard sensors available for download, along with their version and documentation links

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Improved error handling and feedback of the Jira Issue Export configuration flow
    • Fixed an issue that could cause navigation breadcrumbs to show outdated values after projects or slots are renamed
    • Fixed an issue that could cause changing page in the Report Operations table to fail when sorted by the “Timestamp” column
  • APIs & Backend

    • Fixed a regression introduced in release 24.05.5 that caused Key Stores identified in new reports to not be displayed in inventory charts. Key Stores were still correctly identified, and will now be displayed for all existing and new reports.

24.07.3 - 2024-07-31

What’s new

  • UI
    • The menu bar is now displayed on the API Explorer and Knowledge Base pages
    • The Jira issue collector now includes the rule number and local instance number when the summary is populated
  • APIs & Backend
    • An instance exported to Jira now includes the rule number and local instance number in the summary

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Updating a profile with a name that already exists now shows a clearer error message
    • Fixed an issue that would cause the Inventory “Operations” charts to be empty for organizations without network reports
    • TLS and SSH handshakes operations are now displayed in the Inventory “Operations” charts

24.07.2 - 2024-07-24

What’s new

  • UI
    • Inventory charts in the Organization Dashboard, Project Overview and Report Summary now account for Network reports
    • “Priority fixes” in the Organization Dashboard and “Priority issues” in the Project Overview are now sorted by descending severity, descending number of reports impacted, and ascending rule number
    • The reports of expanded issues in the Project Overview are now sorted by descending number of failed instances
    • Design improvements for the expanded display of the “Projects” table and the “Issues” display of the “Project Overview”
  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Network reports are now included in the result of the Organization.inventory, Project.inventory and ReportDone.inventory fields
      • Edges of the Organization.vulnerabilities, Project.vulnerabilities and ReportDone.vulnerabilities are now sorted by descending severity, descending numberOfSlots, ascending number
      • Edges of the Vulnerability.slots and ReportVulnerability.slots connections are now sorted by descending instancesFailed
    • Parse, analyze, store and display SSH handshakes from network captures.
    • Parse, store and display Dilithium, Falcon and Sphincs keys.
    • Independently analyze key exchange and signature algorithms for PQ readiness in TLS handshakes.

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Minor ADA compliance fixes for charts and expandable content across pages

24.07.1 - 2024-07-17

What’s new

  • UI
    • The “Users” table can now be sorted by its “Preferred name” and “Account type” columns
    • Added the “Preferred name” filter to the “Users” table
    • Added the “Account type” filter to the “Users” table
    • Added the “Roles” filter to the “Users” table
    • The Report “Inventory” tab has been renamed to “Summary” for all types of report
  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Added the UsersSorterFields.preferredName field to sort users based on their preferred name
      • Added the UsersSorterFields.origin field to sort users based on their account type
      • Added the UsersFilterFields.preferredName field to filter users based on their preferred name
      • Added the UsersFilterFields.origin field to filter users based on their account type
      • Added the UsersFilterFields.roles field to filter users based on their permission roles

24.07.0 - 2024-07-12

What’s new

  • UI
    • Added support for SSH handshakes in network reports: use the “Protocol” selector in the Report “Handshakes” tab to view TLS or SSH handshakes identified in the uploaded trace
    • The “Ciphersuites” table of network reports now supports pagination
    • The “Profiles” table now shows predefined profiles first, followed by custom profiles from most to least recently created
    • The “Users” table now shows the current user first, followed by other users from most to least recently created
    • The “Reports” table of a Project is now sorted by most to least recently created slot
    • Changed the default page size of all tables to 10 rows to reduce scrolling and improve accessibility
    • Added shortcuts to go to the first and last page of tables
    • The “Projects”, “Profiles” and “Tags” filters in the Organization Dashboard now always display the current selection before additional available items
    • Added the “All time” shortcut to the Organization Dashboard time range filter
    • The Report Inventory “Crypto Library Security” table is now included in Report Print exports
    • The “Type” column of “inventory.csv” file in bundled Organization, Project and Report CSV export ZIP files is now sorted similarly to the pie charts in the web UI
    • The “cryptography_operations_statistics.csv” file in the bundled Report CSV export ZIP file has been renamed to “statistics.csv”
  • APIs & Backend
    • Support live rotation of managed secrets with the DATABASE_URL label (e.g. via AWS Secrets Manager)
    • Default report name is changed from “Report 1 for {trace name}” to “Report for {trace name}”
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Added the sorter to sort slots based on their ID
      • Added the sorter to sort users based on their ID
      • Added the UsersSorterFields.current sorter to sort users based on whether they are the current user
      • Added the ProfilesSorterFields.preset sorter to sort profiles based on whether they are predefined AQtive Guard profiles

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Fixed an issue in the Report “Ciphersuites” table that could cause clicking on a row to not apply the corresponding filter on the Handshakes table

24.06.4 - 2024-06-27

What’s new

  • UI
    • The Jira integration configuration will now validate the project key and issue type, and only allow updates with values that pass the check
    • Exporting to Jira will validate that the issue type has the required issue fields and priority values prior to allowing export

24.06.3 - 2024-06-24

What’s new

  • UI
    • The “Handshakes” table for Network Reports now only displays a single “Timestamp” that describes when the handshake took place
    • The “Client timestamp” and “Server timestamp” filters have been replaced by the “Timestamp” filter
    • The input of the “Timestamp” filter in the Report “Operations” and “Handshakes” tables now reflects the format of the table column
  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Exposed the checkJiraIntegration mutation to confirm project key and issue type exist on the Jira client
      • Exposed the checkJiraExport mutation to confirm issue type has required issue fields and priority values before export
      • Renamed client_timestamp in Handshake to timestamp.
      • Removed server_timestamp in Handshake.
    • Added RC5 analysis and enhanced 2-key-3DES reporting.
    • Support retrieving RDS credentials in AWS-based deployments by using the "JSON" encoding option in the SECRET_PROVIDER environment variable.

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Improved ADA compliance of the “Integrations” page
    • Improved reachability and keyboard navigation of the Organization Dashboard “Instance summary” bar chart
    • The “Timestamp” filter in the Report “Operations” and “Handshakes” tables now uses the UTC timezone instead of the browser’s local timezone
  • APIs & Backend
    • Fixed an error that would prevent slots and projects from being deleted if they contained report diffs
    • Fixed a bug where the analyzer sometimes attempted to insert the same certificate into the database twice, causing a unique constraint violation
    • [GraphQL]:
      • The HandshakesFilterFields.initiator_port and HandshakesFilterFields.target_port filters now fail gracefully if the input is not a port number
      • The HandshakesFilterFields.timestamp filter now fails gracefully if the input is not a ISO-8601 datetime string

24.06.2 - 2024-06-12

What’s new

  • UI
    • Added the “Algorithms” filter to the Report Operations table
    • Improved Table Filtering with enhanced accessibility and user experience:
      • Replaced the magnifying glass icon with a Search target above the first column
      • Filters are always available for easier access
  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Added the OperationAlgorithm enum that lists all algorithms that can be used by any type of operation
      • Added the OperationsFilterFields.algorithms filter to all OperationConnections
      • The filter can be used with the CONTAINS operator to retrieve operations based on their algorithm usage
      • values must be a list of OperationAlgorithm: if more than one algorithm is provided, only operations that used all of them will be returned

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Fix an error that would prevent slots and projects from being deleted if they contained report diffs

24.06.1 - 2024-06-05

What’s new

  • General/Notes
    • Upgrading to this release might take longer due to database modifications
  • UI
    • The Report “Call sites” page has been migrated to the new design language of AQtive Guard
    • The “API” pages have been consolidated into a single page which gathers the “API Explorer”, “Reset key” and the link to the “API Documentation”
    • Added the Report “Operations” tab to display all cryptographic operations identified in the analysis of compatible traces
    • The “Operation Details” page has been migrated to the new design language of AQtive Guard, and displays additional information about instances, calls, keys and handshakes linked to a cryptographic operation
    • Projects Table
      • The “Last updated” column of the Projects table has been renamed to “Last analysis”
      • The Projects table can now be sorted by its “Last analysis” column
    • The browser’s title bar now displays information about the current page instead of a generic “AQtive Guard”
  • APIs & Backend
    • [Configuration]:
      • Added the optional configuration parameter SESSION_DURATION_SECONDS to set the timeout of web sessions. Default value is set to 86400 (24 hours)
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Added the ProjectsSorterFields.lastAnalysis field to sort projects based on their last created or completed report
      • Added the ProjectsFilterFields.lastAnalysis field to filter projects based on their last created or completed report
      • The Project.lastUpdated field has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the Project.lastAnalysis field instead
      • The ProjectsFilterFields.lastUpdated filter has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the ProjectsFilterFields.lastAnalysis filter instead

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Fixed an issue that could cause a blank page to be rendered when using Print exports in Firefox
    • Fixed an issue that would cause Print exports to display truncated, small or misaligned elements in Firefox and Safari

24.05.5 - 2024-05-30

What’s new

  • UI
    • Improved keyboard navigation and screen reader experience of table filters
    • The “Key store” and “Hash functions” links in the Organization and Project inventory now open in a new tab
  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Added the ENABLE_GRAPHQL_INTROSPECTION configuration value to enable API introspection queries (default: false). When introspection is disabled, the API Explorer will not provide suggestions or details about the schema
      • The updateTaniumIntegration mutation now accepts the requestTimeout and downloadRequestTimeout inputs to configure timeouts. Acceptable values must be in the range specified by the configuration values above
      • Added the requestTimeout and downloadRequestTimeout fields to the TaniumIntegration type
    • [Tanium]: added the following configuration values:
      • TANIUM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: used for all Tanium requests, except download (default: 30 seconds)
      • TANIUM_MIN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: minimum allowed configurable request timeout value (default: 30 seconds)
      • TANIUM_MAX_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: maximum allowed configurable request timeout value (default: 300 seconds)
      • TANIUM_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: specific request timeout value for the download operation (default: 90 seconds)

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • The AQtive Guard logo is now correctly displayed in browser tabs and pinned bookmarks for all pages
    • Fixed an issue that allowed entering invalid inputs in the Report Handshakes source and destination port filters
    • Fixed an issue that allowed filtering Report and Organization Keys with invalid configurations
    • Fixed an issue that could prevent table filters from updating on field change
    • The Inventory pie charts in the Organization and Project dashboard are now reachable via keyboard navigation
    • The Instance Summary pie chart in the Organization Dashboard is now reachable via keyboard navigation
  • APIs & Backend
    • Fixed an issue that caused OIDC login to fail if the OIDC_USER_DISPLAY_NAME option is not configured
    • [GraphQL]:
      • The Project.tanium field now returns null if ProjectTanium.computerGroup is unset
      • The Organization.users and Organization.testers connections will now return an empty list if the current user does not have permission to view other Users

24.05.4 - 2024-05-22

What’s new

  • UI
    • Adding a link to download the log file
  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Added the OperationType enum
      • Changed the return value of Operation.type from string to a value of the OperationType enum
        • Use the Operation.operationType field to retrieve the string value
    • Added the following fields to OperationsFilterFields and OperationsSorterFields
      • type: value of the OperationType enum
      • category: value of the OperationCategory enum

24.05.3 - 2024-05-09

What’s new

  • General/Notes
    • Reverted user documentation login requirement from 24.05.2

24.05.2 - 2024-05-08

What’s new

  • General/Notes
    • Note: This release might take longer time to upgrade because of database modifications
    • Login will be required to access user documentation.
  • UI
    • Help texts/Tooltips are now available on the organization dashboard and report inventory.
    • Disabled fields/buttons if the user does not have permission to edit Tanium. Added an alert message to explain why the fields are disabled
  • APIs & Backend

    • Stackframe IDs have been migrated from integer to biginteger type in PostgreSQL
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Added the type and category fields to operation filters and sorters

    Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Fixed toggle on trends dropdown click
    • Added titles to the tanium svgs for accessibility

24.05.1 - 2024-05-01

What’s new

  • UI
    • Handshakes and calls timestamps are now formatted as a ISO-8601 string
  • APIs & Backend

    • [GraphQL]:
      • Added CallSites.status field sorter to CallSitesSorter to sort Report.callsites
      • Added CallSitesSorter and CallSitesFilter to sort and filter the Report.callsites connection based on CallSites fields
      • Report.operations, Key.operations, Instance.operations and Certificate.operations connections can now be sorted and filtered
        • available sorters: id, context, timestamp
        • available filters: context (a OperationContext value), timestamp (a ISO-8601 datetime string)
      • Added the Operation.context field that returns a OperationContext enum value
      • Added the Operation.firstCallSite field
      • Added the following fields to the edge of the Operation.keys connection
        • role: the role of the key in the operation
        • cipherData: for encryption or decryption operations, the encrypted or decrypted data
        • wrappedKeyId, wrappedByKeyId: for wrapping or unwrapping operations, the ID of the keys involved
      • Added the Report.operations connection to retrieve all operations found in a report
      • Added the Operation.instances connection to retrieve all instances linked to an operation

    Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Improved accessibility compliance, keyboard navigation and screen reader experience of the Organization Dashboard filters
    • The Organization Dashboard “Profiles” filter now displays the profile type

24.04.2 - 2024-04-24

What’s new

  • UI
    • Added report certificate sorters
    • Added project slots sorters
    • Sorting implemented for Report -> Certificates based on
      • id
      • expiry date
      • digest algorithm
      • fingerprint
  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Added CertificatesSorter to sort and filter the Report.certificates connection based on Certificate fields
    • Added TLS vulnerable ciphersuites rules for network analysis for DES, 3DES & RC4

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Fixed the invisible close button on GraphQL dialogs

24.04.1 - 2024-04-17

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Added the Operation.timestamp field
      • Added the Operation.valueJson field
      • Added the Operation.calls connection
      • The Instance.operations, Instance.calls and Operation.calls connection can now be filtered using the kept_by_filters argument:
        • true: return only operations and calls that are kept by project exceptions
        • false: return only operations and calls that are removed by project exceptions
        • null or unset: return all operations and calls
    • Added new cs logs bundle tool for on-premises deployments to inspect, filter and merge logs emitted by AQtive Guard services. You can consult the cs logs bundle --help for all the options offered.

24.04.0 - 2024-04-10

What’s new

  • UI
    • Pages migrated to the new UI:
      • Dashboard trends
      • Project settings & exceptions configuration
      • Report comparison & summary
      • Profiles listing & definition
  • APIs & Backend
    • Improve rules to detect TLS ciphersuites that use DES/3DES/RC4
    • Add a logs sub-command to the cs on-premises command to inspect, merge and filter logs
    • Expand the Tanium-related GraphQL API for a project:
      • Ability to get the associated computer group and status-related field of a running scan
      • Mutation to stop a Tanium scan

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Add visibility to missing rules for the filesystem scanner (formerly host scanner) on the profile page
    • Fix breadcrumbs display on some legacy pages
  • APIs & Backend
    • Disable manual Python garbage collection in the default configuration
    • Make the host-scanner resistant to zip bombs (#4709)

24.03.5 - 2024-04-04

What’s new

  • UI
  • Once the user has configured Jira, the base url will be displayed in a non-editable field.
  • APIs & Backend
    • Logs emitted by analyzer/worker workers during report generation will now contain request_id, which is equal to the id of the HTTP request that uploaded the trace, thereby initiating the report generation.
    • Added the possibility to exclude common root certificates from the analysis. The default common root certificates list is based on Mozilla Included CA Certificate List. Certificates excluded by this feature are still parsed and stay in the inventory but no issue is created from their content. This feature is turned on by default for preset profiles but not for older custom profiles. Activating it or not when creating a new custom profile is a choice.

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Accessibility (a11y) improvements & fixes for profile view & create
  • APIs & Backend
    • Fixed an issue with analyzer crashing when trying to handle a certificate with start date in the year 0.
    • JKS keystores containing a malicious negative count of certificates or keys are not producing exceptions anymore and raising a clean parse_size failed: negative size warning instead.
    • JCEKS keystores containing a maicious negative count of certificates or keys are not producing exceptions anymore and raising a clean parse_size failed: negative size warning instead.
    • JCEKS containing a Secret Key entry containing a maliciously formatted utf8 or longutf8 are not are not producing exceptions anymore and raising a clean parse_size failed: negative size warning instead.

24.03.4 - 2024-03-27

What’s new

  • General
    • Sandbox Security Suite is now AQtive Guard
  • UI
    • Introduced organization dashboard Trends behind a feature flag.
    • Reorganized filters with respect to Trends.
  • APIs & Backend
    • Logs contain new request_id field. request_id is a unique value for each request and enables correlation of logs originating across different sources
    • [GraphQL API]:
      • Added the filter overviewTypes to Organization.inventory field
      • Added the filter from (date) to Organization.inventory field
      • Added the filter to (date) to Organization.inventory field
      • Added the filter overviewTypes to Organization.overview field
      • Added the filter overviewTypes to Organization.vulnerabilities field
      • Added the filter from (date) to Organization.vulnerabilities field
      • Added the filter to (date) to Organization.vulnerabilities field
      • Added the filter withExceptions to Organization.vulnerabilities field
      • Added the filter overviewTypes to Organization.timeRepresentationSlices field

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Accessibility (a11y) improvements & fixes

24.03.3 - 2024-03-21

What’s new

  • UI
    • Added viewing, creating and duplicating fuzzer profiles
  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL API]:
      • Added the Profile.projectCount field
      • Added incomplete TLS handshakes in the handshake listing of a report in the UI
      • Removed TlsOrphanHandshake type and ‘orphanHandshakes’ connection in GraphQL
      • Added TlsHandshakeStatus enum and TlsHandshake.status field in GraphQL
      • Added new ‘statuses’ argument to ‘handshakes’ connection in GraphQL

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Print button is disabled for empty project
  • APIs & Backend
    • Fixed an issue that allowed profiles used as default profiles in projects to be deleted
    • [GraphQL API]:
      • The deleteProfile permission is not granted if the profile has been used by reports or projects

24.03.2 - 2024-03-13

What’s new

  • General
    • With key product updates under way, please expect changes to product URLs.
  • APIs & Backend
    • For on-premise deployments, postgres version has been updated to 12.18

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Fixed an issue with api/v2/auth to return HTTP 401 Unauthorized response for invalid credentials, rather than HTTP 400 Bad Request if invalid user credentials are used.

24.03.1 - 2024-03-06

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL API]:
      • Added the Project.exceptions connection to retrieve the exceptions of a project
      • Added ProjectExceptionsSorter and ProjectExceptionsFilter to sort and filter the Project.exceptions connection based on ProjectException fields
      • Added the updateProjectException mutation to update an existing project exception
      • Added the deleteProjectException mutation to delete a project exception
    • Expose Profile model with multiple new fields
      • Added createTracerProfile mutation
      • Added createFuzzerProfile mutation
      • Added updateTracerProfile mutation
      • Added updateFuzzerProfile mutation
      • Added deleteProfile mutation

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • A11y fixes on project settings tab
  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL API]:
      • Fixed an issue that caused Call retrieval by id to fail

24.02.4 - 2024-02-28

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • Support raw, unicode, and url-encoded secrets in AWS SECRETS Manager through updated SECRETS_PROVIDER configuration option. If optional encoding param is unspecified, secrets are assumed to be raw strings by default
    • [GraphQL API]: Added the following fields to Permissions
      • updateUserPreferredName: granted if the current user can change the preferredName of the target user
      • updateUserPermissions: granted if the current user can change the level or roles of the target user
      • updateUserAuthTags: granted if the current user can change the authTags of the target user

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL API]:
      • Fixed an issue that caused invalid results on paginated connections when sorted by id in descending order
      • All fields of Permissions are now required. In case permission is not granted, a deniedReason is always provided
      • Fixed an issue that allowed users without access to a report to be able to view its query calls by callId
      • Fixed an issue that caused unhandled errors on invalid filters and sorters inputs
      • Improved resiliency of mutations against several error scenarios, and added clarity to error messages in such cases
      • Strengthened access policy validation throughout queries and mutations

24.02.3 - 2024-02-21

What’s new

  • Breaking Changes
    • [GraphQL API]:
      • The fields Organization.keys and Organization.certificates now return an empty connection for users with the “tester” level
      • This is part of a security fix to prevent unauthorized access to data by testers
  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Exposed lastUsed and timesUsed values on Profile model
      • Removed the createOpenIdUser mutation. OpenID users should be created in the OpenID provider and configured with the appropriate claims
      • Updated the createLocalUser mutation
        • name: must be unique in the organization. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored and is case insensitive
        • preferredName: optional display name for the user. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored
        • level and roles: based on the authorization model and permissions
        • password: must be at least 8 characters long. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored
        • authTags: if available in the system
      • Updated the updateUser mutation
        • preferredName: optional display name for the user. Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored
        • level and roles: based on the authorization model and permissions. This argument should not be used to update OpenID users with authorization managed via the OIDC_ROLE_CLAIM_NAME and OIDC_ROLE_GROUP_MAP claims
        • authTags: if available in the system

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • For OpenID Connect, the preferred_username token claim is now evaluated at each login to update the preferredName of OpenID users

24.02.2 - 2024-02-14

What’s new

  • UI
    • By default, projects in the Projects table are now arranged in decreasing order by their creation date (most to least recent)
  • APIs & Backend
    • Added OIDC_SERVER_CERT configuration option, which allows customers to set their own CA bundle for OpenID Server SSL Verification. If OIDC_SERVER_CERT is unset or invalid, requests to OpenId Servers will default to the CA bundle used by underlying OS for SSL verification, rather than the CA bundle used by the requests library

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Accessibility fixes on the users page
  • APIs & Backend
    • Error handling fixes in jira mutations
    • Fixed flaky behavior with upload and analysis of small traces which sometimes resulted in failed uploads, failed analysis or empty reports

24.02.1 - 2024-02-08

What’s new

  • UI
    • Integrations page migrated to the new UI

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Fixed failure with CSV export
    • Fixed an issue with pie chart and other components shifting when the length of the instance count changes
    • Accessibility fixes in the Reports table

24.02.0 - 2024-02-01

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • opt-out flags are available to opt out of gql and stacktrace logging
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Exposed checkVenafiIntegration mutation
      • Exposed checkTaniumIntegration mutation
      • Exposed updateVenafiIntegration mutation
      • Exposed updateTaniumIntegration mutation
      • Errors executing GraphQL queries will now log a (sanitized) version of the query.
    • Added a jiraExportInstances mutation to create multiple JIRA issues in bulk
      • the input must be a non-empty list of at most 50 instance IDs
      • for each instance, the mutation returns either a JiraExportIssue object with the details of the JIRA issue, or a JiraExportError object with additional details about the reason of the failure
      • The jiraExportInstance mutation has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Users are invited to use the jiraExportInstances mutation instead.
    • Log entries with exception info are included in the stacktrace
    • For on-premise installations, the configuration file update timestamp will no longer change if the configuration didn’t change
    • [Optimization]: Requesting Instance -> calls GraphQL connection is now faster

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • A clear error message is shown to users for oauth error when clicking Link if the config is not done properly
    • Fix to reset the URL to remove the filter query params when filters are cleared
    • Accessibility fixes & improvements in organization/project and project/slots
  • APIs & Backend
    • All ssh keys in a file are parsed and analyzed, instead of the first one
    • Fixed an issue that could cause calls to be displayed as filtered by the project exceptions in projects without exceptions

24.01.2 - 2024-01-24

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • Added client IP address to audit logs:
      • client_ip key records the IP address of the client sending the event request,the value is null if the detail is not available.
      • forwarded_for_client_ip key records the original client IP address in case of proxy connection. It is set to the X-Forwarded-For header in the event request, or null if not available.

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Accessibility fixes in project/dashboard, project/slots

24.01.1 - 2024-01-18

What’s new

  • General

    • AQtive Guard documentation is now shipped & available with the software itself at http://hostname/docs
  • UI
    • The call_count column has been removed from the CSV export at the report level
  • APIs & Backend
    • [Optimization]:
      • Querying locations of Keys and Certificates is now faster
      • Querying keys and certificates of Locations is now faster
    • [GraphQL]: Added the severities filter to Organization.vulnerabilities
    • The host-scanner can detect .sst files (“Serialized Certificate Store files” used by Windows machines to store certificates).

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Updated UI text to clarify export limitations
  • APIs & Backend
    • Information about a ‘key’ for HostScanner reports are sorted descendingly in order of number of occurences

24.01.0 - 2024-01-11

What’s new

  • UI
    • In Handshakes filter, only selected ciphersuites will be shown
  • APIs & Backend
    • [Optimization]: Requesting ciphersuites tied to a ReportDone is now faster

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the Project Reports table to reflect changes to a slot after editing
    • The type of a Profile (tracer or fuzzer) is now consistently displayed in the UI
  • APIs & Backend
    • Fixed an issue that prevented Venafi error messages to be correctly displayed
    • Fixed an issue with the Report CSV export that could result in download failure or incomplete content
    • GraphQL: Added Jira configuration on Project level

23.12.1 - 2023-12-14

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Report.instances and Rule.instances can now be sorted and filtered by Instance.numberLocal
    • JIRA bulk exports are now limited to 50 instances at a time

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Fix trace uploads through the UI when STORAGE_USE_PUT is set to true
    • Error logs generated by misconfigurations of the AWS Secret Manager integration should be clearer and better help identify the issue

23.12.0 - 2023-12-12

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • Improve the performance of key and certificate matching during analysis. This should be especially visible when multiple analyses run in parallel.
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Added the JiraIntegration model to Organization.integrations
      • Added several mutations to manage the updated JIRA integration
      • Requesting Slot.latestReport is now faster to respond
    • [Tanium]:
      • The Tanium integration now generates better logging with more context

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Fixed trace uploads for users with the STORAGE_USE_PUT option set to true and the object storage server behind the same reverse proxy as the AQtive Guard server
    • Fixed a bug preventing reports of Network Captures to be deleted

23.11.2 - 2023-11-30

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Adding ability to query for key roles from operations field within GraphQL

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • Requesting on GraphQL node without an inline fragment no longer raises an exception
      • Requesting on GraphQL node with a different inline fragment than the one in ID no longer raises an exception
    • Fix handling of special characters in passwords in the database URL

23.11.1 - 2023-11-22

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • New type in the API: RuleObjectType
      • New API field: `Rule.mainObjectTypes

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Logs for incoming requests are now correctly JSON formatted.
    • method is now much more efficient. This should positively affect:
      • load-time of Report view
      • load-time of Organization dashboard view
      • GQL queries requesting information field on Key and OrganizationKey types

23.11.0 - 2023-11-15

What’s new

  • UI
    • Improved readability of issue severity in the Project Dashboard and Report Issues views
    • Updated the project dashboard inventory display to match Report and Organization inventory
    • Introduced saved filters to organization dashboard
      • Added saved filters to the URL so that when revisiting the page with the same UI, filters will be pre populated
      • Turned filters on for the following pages:
        • Organization certificates
        • Organization keys
        • Organization projects
        • Project reports
        • Report certificates
        • Report handshakes
        • Report keys
  • APIs & Backend
    • [GraphQL]:
      • GraphQL query optimizations
      • For instances of key-based rules, only the relevant key will be showed
    • Added structured logs for all application logs

23.09.10 - 2023-11-08

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • Add support for the AWS Secret Manager
    • For instances of certificate-based rules, only show the relevant certificate.
    • OpenID Connect: Allow the claim specified by OIDC_ROLE_CLAIM_NAME to point to a list of groups (not just one group).

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Improve validation of GraphQL IDs, for better error messages.

23.09.9 - 2023-10-20

What’s new

  • UI
    • Added saved filters to the organization dashboard
  • **APIs & Backend
    • GraphQL API
      • Breaking changes:
        • Field Trace.size: Change type from Int to BigInt.

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Fixed a11y issues:
      • organization dashboard responsiveness
      • contrast colors on org dashboard graphs
      • tooltips are “hoverable” for the accessibility
      • checkbox groups are fixed with a11y changes
  • APIs & Backend
    • Fix for the user to be able to upload trace size larger than 2 GB
    • Fixed an issue with hsm fuzzer seen when trying to generate a report after a successful upload
    • Enable the default settings to log everything in the console
    • Ability to vertically scale RQ_WORKERS in on-prem installation using below keys in the config file
      • RQ_NUM_WORKERS customizes the number of calls to flask rq worker
      • RQ_NUM_WORKERS_ANALYSIS customizes the number of calls to flask rq worker analysis
      • The default value is set to 1. It should have no impact on users if not set.

23.09.7 - 2023-10-11

What’s new

  • UI
    • AQtive Guard jira integration enables users to submit tickets to Jira individually or in bulk. This integration is performed in the AQtive Guard Web Interface. You can configure Jira integration in two ways:
      • Jira issue export: Export one or more instances to automatically create issues in Jira.
      • Jira form integration: Launch an editable form to submit an individual instance as a Jira issue.
  • APIs & Backend
    • GraphQL API
      • Breaking changes
        • Input field CreateTraceInput.size: Change type from Int to BigInt.

Refer to the Jira integration for more details.

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • The priority fix is now linked to the project dashboards
  • APIs & Backend
    • Fixed the issue where uploading a trace via the CreateTrace mutation failed when the trace size is more than 2GBs
    • Fixed logging streams to have JSON-encoded audit logs show up in the regular logs if no specific LOG_FILE_AUDIT has been specified
    • Add support for handling old host scanner traces

23.09.6 - 2023-10-03

What’s new

  • General
    • New cs debug command to diagnose issues for on-prem setups.
  • APIs & Backend
    • OpenID connect: new configuration variable to list scopes to use (see OIDC_EXTRA_SCOPES)
    • OpenID connect: refuse authentication if the final list of roles for a user is empty

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Improve loading times of non-optimized reports

23.09.5 - 2023-09-29

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • Support a new way to verify S3 connectivity and rights by uploading/downloading a small amount of data. See the STORAGE_EXTENDED_HEALTH_CHECK configuration variable for more information.

23.09.4 - 2023-09-28

What’s new

  • UI
    • Updated Pages:
      • Report Issues Tab
        • Three column layout allows seeing more information at the same time and navigating through instances faster.
        • Star and Dismiss for instances have been deprecated. Ability to export already starred / dismissed instances in the Exports tab remains.
        • Added ability to “filter” issues and instances by severity
      • Report Exports
        • Inventory & issue overview has a new UI
    • New Features:
      • Network Analyzer Handshakes & Ciphersuites Tabs
        • Network Analyzer reports now contain a Handshakes & Ciphersuite tab
        • Ciphersuite table:
          • Contains all ciphersuites that were selected and negotiated with
          • Includes ability to filter by “selected” and “IETF recommended”
          • Clicking on a ciphersuite navigates to the handshakes table filtered by that ciphersuite
        • Handshakes table:
          • Contains all the handshakes found
      • Dashboard Exports
        • PDF & CSV formats available
        • Aggregated inventory and aggregated issues
      • Jira form integration
        • Ability to set up an issue collector for jira company-managed projects

All new and updated pages are WCAG 2.1 AA and ADA compliant.

  • APIs & Backend
    • Revamped logging in web-findings and added audit logs including:
      • option to log to a file instead of stdout
      • option to log to a rotating file, the output file will be renamed to .<%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S> daily
      • option to log audit logs to a different file
      • option to set audit log level separately from general log level
      • an API to generate structured audit logs
    • Updates to Tanium Integration
      • Rate limiters for Tanium, configurable limits for the request rate to Tanium, to avoid system overload
      • Tanium InfoSensor - Checks for new trace presence on the endpoint
      • Tanium MonitorSensor - The sensor will provide information on any running host scanner process or the latest run, including status, runtime, memory, etc.
      • Ability to configure Tanium settings per project instead of just organization level
      • Automatic Report Generation
    • Authentication & Authorization
      • Support for tag based authorization
      • Assigning roles based on OpenID Connect token claim

23.09.3 - 2023-09-19

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Implemented printable layouts for report summary and org dashboard
    • Accessibility fixes for report inventory and report export pages

23.09.2 - 2023-09-19

What’s new

  • UI
    • Upgraded the following pages, including more powerful filtering capabilities.
      • Organization Keys tab
      • Organization Key Details page
      • Organization Certificates tab
      • Organization Certificate Detail page
  • APIs & Backend
    • Improve performance of GraphQL queries which only do counting (i.e. with the totalCount field).
    • GraphQL API:
      • Breaking changes:
        • Field: ReportDone.handshakes.
          • New parameter: filters: HandshakesFilter.
          • New parameter: sorters: [HandshakesSorter].
      • New field: Rule.filterStatus.

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Accessibility fixes (color contrast, font & labeling adjustments), throughout a variety of pages including organization dashboard and report pages.
  • APIs & Backend
    • Fix a token verification failure in OpenID Connect integration. This would prevent users from logging in with some identity providers with an “at_hash” error.
    • Improve the analysis of host scans so that a keystore location counts as one location for a given key even if that key appears several times in that keystore.

23.09.1 - 2023-09-07

What’s new

  • UI
    • The new UI is now available in the on-premises packages but disabled by default. Contact us if you want to try it out.

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Fix a token verification failure in OpenID Connect integration. This would prevent users from logging in with some identity providers.

23.09.0 - 2023-09-01

What’s new

  • UI
    • Tanium integration: Computer Group setting is now set at the project level (formerly at the organization level).
  • APIs & Backend
    • Improve host scan instance deduplication.
      • In the legacy UI, it adds a “Locations” box to show the path of keys related to an instance.

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Both trace and potentially autocreated reports are marked as failed if there is a mismatch between trace/slot types.

23.08.2 - 2023-08-28

What’s new

  • UI
    • When uploading a trace in an existing slot, the app lets the user choose the name of the trace/report.
    • Inventory summary will show respective bars in the chart on printable export of report page.
  • APIs & Backend
    • GraphQL API
      • Breaking changes:
        • Location.fileType: changed type from String to Filetype.
        • New input fields: CreateTraceInput.fileName: String.
        • New enum values: InstancesFilterFields.number.
        • Input field changed type from String! to String.
        • New fields: Certificate.extensions, Certificate.signature, Certificate.version, Operation.tlsHandshake, OrganizationCertificate.extensions, OrganizationCertificate.signature, Rule.instances, Rule.severity.
        • New types: Filetype, CertificateExtensionData.

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Improve compatibility with OpenID Connect identity providers. Previously, login via OpenID Connect failed when the identity provider advertised support for multiple JWT signing algorithms.
    • Fix that will allow to query handshake object from TLS handshake operations.

23.08.1 - 2023-08-24

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • GraphQL API:
      • New field: ReportDone.rules.
      • New types: RuleConnection, RuleEdge, RulesFilter, RulesFilterFields.

Bug fixes

  • UI
    • Fix an issue that prevented the report optimization status from being displayed after changes to the project exceptions.

23.08.0 - 2023-08-15

What’s new

  • UI
    • Organization dashboard
      • New functionality available:
        • Ability to slice and filter the dashboard by tags, projects and profiles
        • Aggregation of the instance count and percentages overall and across different analysis types
        • Instead of the top 5 priority issues, you can now see a more extensive list
      • Things that have changed:
        • “Organization issues summary” information has been moved to the Projects tab, where you can see a breakdown of the issue count for each project.
    • Projects page
      • New functionality available:
        • Projects can now be uncollapsed to show top priority issues for that project
        • Top priority issues can be uncollapsed also to show the list of reports affected & breakdown of instances per report
        • Horizontal bar per project with the number of high, medium, low and no warning issues
        • Powerful filtering capabilities for: Name, Tags, Profiles, Last updated
      • Things that have changed:
        • To view and edit project information or assign testers, use the three dot menu on the right of each project.
    • Slots, reports and traces pages
      • New functionality available:
        • Reports table contains the active / latest report for each slot
        • Table contains information on the status of the report (e.g. failed, done etc.)
        • Ability to filter by slot name and type
        • In an upcoming release additional filters and sorters will be added
      • Things that have changed:
        • From the UI, cannot manually run a report from a trace, from the UI, reports will be analyzed automatically when uploading a trace using the profile defined for the project. Reports will be named after the trace name.
        • From the UI, cannot run a report using a profile other than the default for the project in which it belongs.
        • Must use the API if you wish to run a report using a different profile than the project default or run another report with an already uploaded trace.
        • To see past reports in a slot, you must go into the latest report (accessible from the Project reports tab) and use the “Version” selector to select an archived report.
        • The former “Slots” table has been replaced by the new “Reports” in which we show the latest (current) report from each slot.
        • In order to change information about the slot or add tags use the three dot action menu on the right.
    • The product version number is now visible in the user menu (top right corner).
  • APIs & Backend
    • GraphQL API:
      • New argument sorters: [SlotsSorters] in Project.slots.
      • New enum values in SlotsFilterFields: lastReportCreatedAt, lastReportState, lastReportTraceName.
      • New types: SlotsSorter, SlotsSorterFields and State.
      • New fields: Key.pkcs11Attributes, Key.source, Location.hostname, algorithmSummary, Operation.operationContext, Operation.operationType,, Query.version, Report.project, Slot.distinctCallSites, Slot.lastReport, Slot.lastReportCreatedAt, Slot.lastReportState, Slot.lastReportTraceName, Slot.latestReport, Slot.reportCount.

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Fix inventory and stats on projects with multiple slots but only one trace type.
    • Fixed pagination for Organization.projects.

23.07.2 - 2023-07-26

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • GraphQL API:
      • Added GraphQL filters for report key and org key.

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Fix so that network traces can be analyzed directly using the createTrace query
    • Fix to retrieve operations data of an instance using the API
    • Addition of filters on Instance nodes in GraphQL

23.07.1 - 2023-07-19

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • Certificate filters are now available for network reports. This only applies to the legacy UI (the new UI already has filters for all certificates).
    • Redis is no longer an external dependency of the AQtive Guard Analyzer Platform all-in-one package: it’s built in and runs under the name cryptosense-analyzer-redis in system. The distributed installation of AQtive Guard is unchanged.
      • Impact & user action required: Redis should be uninstalled on existing machines, preferably before the upgrade of the all-in-one package.
    • GraphQL API:
      • Breaking changes:
        • Field Operation.type changed type from OperationType! to String!.
        • Type OperationType was removed.
        • Field Rule.access changed type from String! to String.
        • Field Rule.consequences changed type from String! to String.
        • Field Rule.expertise changed type from String! to String.
        • Field Rule.explanation changed type from String! to String.
        • Field Rule.kbLink changed type from String! to String.
        • Field Rule.resources changed type from String! to String.
        • Field Rule.shortExplanation changed type from String! to String.
      • New types: CreateProjectExceptionInput, CreateProjectExceptionPayload, GeneralRemediation, JiraExportInstanceInput, JiraExportInstancePayload, JiraIntegration, OperationCategory, ProjectException, ProjectExceptionType, Remediation.
      • New fields in Call, Instance, Operation.
      • New mutations: createProjectException, jiraExportInstance.

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Remove spurious log messages (containing the string Record.t.key) during the analysis of PKCS#12 files.
    • Improve robustness of the installation of the on-premises AQtive Guard packages by deprecating the use of the file /etc/cryptosense-analyzer/package-variation. No action needed: it will be removed automatically when upgrading.

23.07.0 - 2023-07-13

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • The on-premises RPM packages no longer depend on postgresql-libs but on directly, which simplifies their installation
    • GraphQL API:
      • New types: Overview, OverviewItem, OverviewSecure, OverviewSummary, OverviewWithMeta, ProfilesFilter, ProfilesFilterFields, InstanceStat.
      • New fields in Organization, ReportVulnerability, Vulnerability.
      • New parameters: filters: ProfilesFilter added to Organization.profiles.
      • New enum values in ProjectsFilterFields: defaultProfile, lastUpdatedtags.

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Fix network analysis in the on-premises package for Debian 10 and Ubuntu 18.04
    • Fix the AQtive Guard on-premises packages to be installable again on Ubuntu 18.04

23.06.4 - 2023-07-11

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • Support for Integrated Network Analyzer. Features include:
      • Offline Analysis of PCAP files.
      • PCAP files can be uploaded via API or directly via UI.
      • Integrated Network Analyzer extracts below attributes from PCAP files. Below attributes are available via GraphQL API
        • Source IP
        • Target IP
        • Source Port
        • Target Port
        • Symmetric Encryption
        • Selected Cipher Suite
        • Client supported cipher suites (same attributes as selected cipher suite)
        • Recommended ciphersuite as per IETF
        • TLS version
        • Certificate information (TLS 1.2 and lower). This will also be available via UI
        • Key information
        • RFC Reference
        • Client timestamp
        • Server timestamp
        • Server name
        • Captures incomplete handshakes
      • Ability to apply rules to detect vulnerabilities for Certs and Keys.
      • Ability to correlate Network scan certificates and keys across host and application reports.
      • Crypto object inventory detected in PCAP traces
      • Report summarization of vulnerabilities and issues based on rules applied on network trace crypto inventory
      • Relationship between network trace keys and certificates
      • Ability to extract keys and certificate specific fields via GraphQL API

23.06.3 - 2023-06-20

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Fix GraphQL mutation CreateTrace to create the trace with appropriate properties in the database when an existing defaultSlotName is chosen. Before this fix, the trace would be created but subsequent analysis of that trace would be refused by the server (with the error message: “This trace is still being processed”).

23.06.2 - 2023-06-16

What’s new

  • APIs & Backend
    • PKCS#11 fuzzing report changes:
      • In all reports, the “Vulnerabilities”/”Non-compliance” tab is now labeled “Issues” (legacy UI).
      • Analyzing a PKCS#11 fuzzing trace results in only one generated report (instead of two). Existing PKCS#11 fuzzing reports are unchanged but they won’t be taken into account correctly in dashboards until they are regenerated after the upgrade.
      • PKCS#11 “vulnerability” rule numbers are shifted by 200 (new = old + 200) to avoid colliding with the numbers of “compliance” rules.
    • Improved the GraphQL field Certificate.locations to only return relevant locations. Before this version, it could return locations of the certificate’s public key or that of another certificate using the same key.
    • Remove field: CreateTracePayload.reports: [Report].
    • Add field Report.

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Fix a server error when CreateTraceInput.generateReport is true and the chosen trace name already exists. The server now replies correctly with an error message in such a case.
    • Fix an issue where the GraphQL field Certificate.operations would always return an empty list.

23.06.1 - 2023-06-13

What’s new

  • UI - Creating a new project supports a maximum of 100 reports per slot.

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • There were some instances when the “stale private key rule” did not have any key linked to them. This fix added keys from keystore private key entries to objects and instances. As a side-effect you will see a “short encrypted private key in keystore” instance.

23.06.0 - 2023-06-01

What’s new

  • UI: In this release, we’ve performed a significant overhaul of the dashboards, issues, and inventory pages to provide a better and more intuitive user experience. These changes lay the foundation for future enhancements, which will include dashboard view customization and aggregate count creation. The changes below are already in our SaaS product and for on-premises deployments you will be notified when these changes are available.
    • Organization Dashboard
      • The dashboard is now organized by projects, displaying aggregate numbers for issues per project.
      • Projects can be uncollapsed for more detailed insights, showing specific issues, the slots in which they occurred and the instance count.
      • As we make a transition to the new UI, users will temporarily not be able to view Issue count + inventory summary at the organization level.
    • Project Dashboard
      • The Project Dashboard consists of two main components: Issues and Inventory.
      • The ‘Issues’ section mirrors the structure of the Organization Dashboard, offering high level to detailed granularity, up to the instance level.
      • The ‘Inventory’ section has been updated with a series of pie charts for a more comprehensive view.
    • Report Inventory + Issues
      • Inventory data is now presented via a series of pie charts.
      • The “Crypto operation security” table has been deprecated, this information can be found in the “Issues” tab. The “Call sites limiting” has also been deprecated.
      • The report metadata block allows users to change the report version, enabling quick navigation to different reports.
      • We’ve released a new feature that allows you to give feedback quicker through the app. This “Report a bug” feature is located in the header.
  • APIs & Backend
    • Add ability to schedule report generation during trace upload with a new input field CreateTraceInput.generateReport.
    • Bump version of PostgreSQL server in all-in-one on-premises deployments from 12.9 to 12.15. This is meant to increase its robustness and reduce the likelihood of data corruption in those non-production deployments.
      • No action required from the user and no migration necessary.
    • Added a count of the number of vulnerability detection rules that were marked “disabled” in the chosen profile to the statistical summary of a report.”
    • GraphQL API changes
      • Modify field: CreateProjectInput.profileId is now required.
      • Add field: CreateTraceInput.generateReport.
      • Add field: CreateTracePayload.reports.
      • Add enum value: DisplaySeverity.DISABLED.
      • Add fields: Project.vulnerabilities and Report.vulnerabilities.

Bug fixes

  • APIs & Backend
    • Fix vulnerability statistics for projects and reports to not count disabled rules. This resolves a potential overestimation of the number of issues in each report or project.

23.05.3 - 2023-05-25

  • Improve links between host scan instances and certificates to only link relevant certificates (in the API this is materialized in the field Instance.certificates).
    • This requires new reports to be generated for the links to work properly.
  • GraphQL API:
    • Modify the field Instance.certificates to show only relevant certificates. Before this change, it would also list irrelevant certificates with the same public key as the relevant certificate.

23.05.2 - 2023-05-25

  • Add ability to change project testers and max item count via the GraphQL API.
  • Add support for the use of a custom SQL database schema on premises in a highly available deployment (instead of the default public schema). This is controlled by a new configuration parameter: DATABASE_SCHEMA.
  • Remove support for database URLs with the postgres:// prefix. The only supported URL scheme is now postgresql://.
    • No action is needed for the user: configuration will be updated automatically when the new AQtive Guard package is installed.
  • GraphQL API
    • Add fields: CreateProjectInput.maxItemCount, Project.maxItemCountand UpdateProjectInput.maxItemCount.
    • Add fields: Organization.testers, Project.testers and UpdateProjectInput.testers.

23.05.1 - 2023-05-16

  • Improve links between host scan instances and keys to only link relevant keys (in the API this is materialized in the field Instance.keys).
    • This requires new reports to be generated for the links to work properly.
  • Fix parsing of host scan traces with tags in the header (generated with the --tags CLI parameter of the host scanner).
  • Fix the profile creation form to show correct applicability of rules to the analysis of OpenSSL traces.
  • GraphQL API:
    • Modify the field Instance.keys to show only relevant keys. Before this change, it would also list irrelevant keys at the same filesystem location as the relevant keys.
    • Add types Integration and TaniumIntegration and add field Organization.integrations.

23.05.0 - 2023-05-02

  • Fix bug where users would sometimes end in an infinite redirect loop at login.
  • GraphQL API:
    • Add Location node with connections to Key, Certificate and Instance.
    • Add ReportVulnerability, OrganizationCertificate nodes.
    • Add method field to the response of the generateTraceUploadPost mutation.
    • Add deleteSlot mutation.

23.04.2 - 2023-04-18

  • GraphQL API:
    • Add OrganizationKey and related types.
    • Add fields: Organization.keys, Key.organizationKey.
    • Rename field Key.keyMetadata to Key.metadata.
    • Rename field Key.keyType to Key.type.
    • Rename field Key.keyCategory to Key.category.

23.04.1 - 2023-04-11

  • Add support for tags in the AQtive Guard UI.
  • GraphQL API:
    • Add Handshake and TlsHandshake objects
    • Add sorters to Organization.profiles
    • Expand project VulnerabilitySlot with latest report id

23.04.0 - 2023-04-06

  • API:
    • Fix crash when fetching instances of a report without a profile
    • Add sorters and filters to Organization.projects
    • Update updateSlot mutation with tags
    • Add fields:
      • Project.tags
      • Vulnerability.slots
      • Project.vulnerabilities
      • Report.firstAnalysis, Report.lastAnalysis and Report.distinctCallSites

23.03.5 - 2023-03-27

  • Fix deletion of host scan reports. A failure caused reports to stay in the database.
    • Previous failures will be handled after upgrading and deleting one report.
  • GraphQL API:
    • Add fields:
      • Mutation.deleteProject
      • Project.vulnerabilityStatistics: Rule counts for each severity, at the project level.
      • Project.lastUpdated
      • Organization.allowedTraceTypes: Types of traces that users can analyze in this organization.
      • Trace.size

23.03.4 - 2023-03-22

  • GraphQL API:
    • Rename type Api to TraceType.
    • Rename fields api to traceType throughout the API (Slot, Trace, Report, etc).

23.03.3 - 2023-03-21

  • Improve the logging of failed Jira operations.
  • GraphQL API:
    • Remove duplicate api type in favor of the existing API type.
    • Rename values to subFilters in SlotsFilter, ReportsFilter etc.
    • Add filtering of slots based on their tags with a new CONTAINS operator.
    • Add fields:
      • Mutation.updateProject: change the attributes of a project.
      • ReportDone.inventory: statistics about a report.
      • Report.api
      • Trace.api

23.03.2 - 2023-03-10

  • GraphQL API:
    • Link host scan instances to keys and certificates via locations. The Key.instances, Instance.keys and Certificate.instances fields will now return more results by linking results through the location of the node.

23.03.1 - 2023-03-10

  • Maintenance release

23.03.0 - 2023-03-07

  • GraphQL API:
    • Add field:
    • Add field:
    • Add field: Operation.keys.
    • Add field: Project.organization.
    • Add defaultSlotName to CreateTraceInput.
  • Check for slot/trace API compatibility:
    • Display error if different APIs for slot and trace.
    • Display error if organization does not have rights on API.
  • Introduce a view for traces that have no slot. Happens for pending or failed traces uploaded by the user without specifying a destination slot.

23.02.4 - 2023-02-26

  • GraphQL API:
    • Add type: SignatureAlgorithm and link it to Certificate node.
    • Add nodes: CallSite and Operation.
    • Add fields: Certificate.notBefore, Certificate.notAfter and Certificate.signatureAlgorithm.
    • Add fields: Trace.reports, Trace.jvmName, Trace.jvmVendor, Trace.jvmArguments and Trace.javaClassPath.
    • Add field: Report.url.

23.02.3 - 2023-02-23

  • GraphQL API:
    • Simplify filters and sorters enum names.
      • ProjectsFilterFilterFields (resp. Traces, Slots and Reports) is now ProjectsFilterFields.
      • ProjectsSorterSorterFields (resp. Traces, Slots and Reports) is now ProjectsSorterFields.
    • Make the AnalyzeInput.profileId parameter optional.
    • Add fields: Certificate.isCa and Certificate.isSelfSigned.
    • Add fields: Report.profile and Report.trace.
    • Add field: Project.description.
    • Add description to CreateProjectInput.
  • On-prem:
    • Support AWS IAM Role-based authentication for S3.
  • Projects can now have a default profile. This lets the user analyze a trace or scan without specifying a profile.

23.02.2 - 2023-02-14

  • GraphQL API:
    • Add types: InventoryRecapLineData, InventoryRecapCategory and InventoryRecapData.
    • Add fields: Certificate.publicKey and Key.certificates.
    • Fix and fields: they were in the wrong format.
    • Fix Key.length and Key.keyMetadata fields: queries with those fields would fail.

23.02.1 - 2023-02-09

  • OpenSSL analysis: Fix an analysis error occurring when two certificates or more are inserted into the database.
  • GraphQL API:
    • Add field:

23.02.0 - 2023-02-01

  • Add support for Shrouded Keybag in PKCS#12 host scan analysis.
  • GraphQL API
    • Introduce generic filters:
      • Project.reports has one new parameter: sorters.
      • User.projects has two new parameters: filters and sorters.
    • Add fields: Trace.slot, Report.slot, Slot.project and Project.slots.
    • Add an updateSlot mutation to change the properties of a slot.
  • Fix a rendering error on the slot details page when the latest report isn’t linked to a trace.
  • Fix a rendering error on the slot details page when the latest report is in the “failed” state.
  • On the project details page, replace the obsolete “trace” and “report” links with a “slot” link.

23.01.4 - 2023-01-30

  • Link instances to keys and certificates in the API
  • Add Rule type to instances in the API.
  • Fix issue in the createProject mutation where users would not be linked to projects.
  • Add missing “Stored Key” operation filter to keys table.

23.01.3 - 2023-01-23

  • Maintenance release

23.01.2 - 2023-01-18

  • Improve compatibility of OpenID Connect integration.
  • Fix report diff creation: Diffs were created without being assigned to a slot.
  • Fix User.projects field in the API when used with pagination arguments.

23.01.1 - 2023-01-10

  • Fix handling of special characters in certificate search.
  • Fix analysis of PEM files: If one PEM element couldn’t be analyzed, it would cause the whole file to be dropped.

23.01.0 - 2023-01-03

  • Add analysis of PKCS#7 files found by the host scanner.

22.12.2 - 2022-12-19

  • Fix the trace/report auto-deletion threshold to work with slots.
  • Fix the computation of the “has private key” property for keys when reports have been deleted.
  • Add new analysis pipeline for OpenSSL (libssl) traces.
  • Add analysis of PuTTY private key (PPK) files found by the host scanner.

22.12.1 - 2022-12-05

  • Add “View traces” and “View reports” buttons to the slots page.

22.12.0 - 2022-12-05

  • Traces and Reports are now organized into Slots inside their project. Multiple traces of the same type can now be analyzed in parallel in the same project.
  • Add support for the PPK format.

22.11.0 - 2022-11-28

  • Added EC analysis to Evp

22.10.2 - 2022-10-28

  • Added optional resource parameter to OpenID Connect authorize URL.

22.10.1 - 2022-10-24

  • Improved performance of keys and certificates pages at the organization level.
  • Fixed error when OpenID server is unavailable by falling back to classic login.

22.10.0 - 2022-10-07

  • Add option to search projects by name through the API.
  • Add option to use OpenID Connect and Ping Federate for the on-premise version.

22.09.1 - 2022-09-07

  • Fix the deletion of projects.

22.09.0 - 2022-09-05

  • Fix bugs appearing when uploading and analyzing a large number of traces in parallel.
  • Traces and reports will now be timed out and marked as failed after 2 hours and 4 hours respectively.
  • Make traces / reports names and descriptions editable in their summary box.
  • OpenSSL (libcrypto) analysis now supports more cipher algorithms.
  • Improve the overall quality of the filesystem analysis with a new implementation.
  • Add the analysis of cleartext data in PKCS#12 keystores from filesystem scans.
  • Optimize the computation and improve the appearance of keys and certificates tables.

22.07.5 - 2022-07-26

  • Add support for SHA-2 and SHA-3 algorithms in OpenSSL libcrypto analysis.

22.07.4 - 2022-07-26

  • Pending traces and reports will now be marked as failed after a while.
  • Link report key to corresponding org key, report cert to its public key, report cert to corresponding org cert, org cert to its public key and org key to all corresponding org certs.

22.07.3 - 2022-07-26

  • Avoids accumulation of files resulting from incomplete uploads (e.g. because of a client error) by automatically removing those files after a certain time.
  • Add “Export” and “Compare” buttons to a report’s “Inventory” page.
  • Add the current AQtive Guard version to the footer.
  • Add a “Keys” column to the operations table in an instance details page, with links pointing to the related keys for each operation. This only applies to application tracing.

22.07.2 - 2022-07-12

  • Maintenance release.

22.07.1 - 2022-07-12

  • Fix analysis failures not being reported as such in the AQtive Guard Analyzer Platform. This could lead to some traces or report to get stuck in an “in progress” state.
  • Improve visual appearance of report details so that it matches that of trace details more closely.

22.07.0 - 2022-07-04

  • Fix an occasional analysis failure for PKCS#11 traces.
  • Avoid log warnings when analyzing concatenated trace files.

22.06.1 - 2022-06-17

  • Harden the CSP header to prevent the execution of inline JavaScript. This is an additional fix to defend against potential future XSS attacks.
  • On the main dashboard in the “Organization Issue Summary” bar chart, merge bars for the same project.
  • Add pagination to the organization certificates details page.

22.06.0 - 2022-06-13

  • Harden the CSP header to restrict possible connections. This is an additional fix to defend against potential future XSS attacks.
  • Update dependencies to secure versions. The security of AQtive Guard was not affected overall.
  • Add pagination to the organization keys details page.
  • Add a button to test the Venafi integration configuration.
  • Add an option to define custom certificates for the Venafi integration.
  • On the main dashboard in the “Overview”, replace the number of applications/filesystems/tokens and the number of traces by just the number of projects (relevant to each category: application/filesystem/PKCS#11 token).

22.05.8 - 2022-05-25

  • Update dependencies to secure versions. The security of AQtive Guard was not affected overall.
  • Fix stored XSS on the certificates details page. This vulnerability could be triggered through manipulated traces. No indication of attempted attacks were found, but if you have AQtive Guard on-premises, upgrading is highly recommended.

22.05.7 - 2022-05-24

  • Update dependencies to secure versions. The security of AQtive Guard was not affected overall.
  • Fix analysis of certain libssl traces.
  • Fix the analysis of Fermat attack on RSA to mark safe RSA keys as “Passed”.

22.05.6 - 2022-05-19

  • Fix totalCount field for some connections in the GraphQL API (for example: ReportConnection in a Project).
  • Improve error message in the GraphQL API when the ID of a profile, project, trace or report can’t be found by the server.

22.05.5 - 2022-05-06

  • Rules specific to the Host Scanner are no longer included in FIPS specific profiles.
  • Improved appearance of the organization certificate details page.
  • Fix analysis of certain certificate chains picked up by the host scanner.

22.05.4 - 2022-05-05

  • Maintenance release.

22.05.3 - 2022-05-04

  • Maintenance release.

22.05.2 - 2022-05-03

  • Maintenance release.

22.05.1 - 2022-05-03

  • Maintenance release.

22.05.0 - 2022-05-02

  • Add rule for Java applications: Psychic signatures (CVE-2022-21449).
  • Add rule for hosts and applications: Fermat attack on RSA (CVE-2022-26320).
  • Sanitize Venafi instance URL: a trailing slash no longer causes invalid links to be generated by AQtive Guard.
  • Add createdAt date field to trace and report types in GraphQL API.
  • Remove api field from project type in GraphQL API.
  • Add deleteReport mutation to GraphQL API.
  • Improve appearance of organization key details page.
  • Improve parsing of PKCS#11 usage traces.

22.04.3 - 2022-04-15

  • Improve performance of the organization keys page.

22.04.2 - 2022-04-14

  • Improve loading time for report keys page.

22.04.1 - 2022-04-14

  • New organization certificates tab.
  • New page to display details of a key at the organization level.
  • Fix broken link in trace upload tutorial
  • Fix keys tab filter to stop hiding keys of unknown length

22.04.0 - 2022-04-04

  • Existing projects are no longer tied to a specific type of trace and can now contain any type of trace allowed by the organization.

22.03.7 - 2022-03-31

  • Fix a bug that would appear when the wrong files are uploaded to recent projects.
  • Add a keptByFilters: Boolean parameter to ReportDone.instances field in the GraphQL API.

22.03.6 - 2022-03-18

  • Add “Cryptosense 2022” profiles for everyone.
  • Check if a profile can be deleted before asking the user for confirmation.

22.03.5 - 2022-03-16

  • Add Jira integration:
    • The link to a Jira instance can be configured in the “Integrations” tab.
    • Users can then export individual findings as Jira issues.
    • Findings can also be exported in batches.
  • Add a Host Scanner download button for users authorized to analyze host scans.
  • Improve performance of dashboards for key store statistics coming from newly generated host scanner reports. This doesn’t affect performance for existing reports.
  • Improve report generation performance when the organization has a lot of keys.
  • Add “Date Uploaded” and “Uploaded By” to traces in the project “Traces” tab.
  • Fix rule and instance counts in report export printable view.

22.03.4 - 2022-03-09

  • Update text shown only to users of the free demo account.

22.03.3 - 2022-03-09

  • Maintenance release.

22.03.2 - 2002-03-08

  • Add 5 new application analysis rules related to post-quantum readiness. Those rules are disabled by default.
  • Add a new “Post Quantum Readiness” builtin profile using only the aforementioned rules

22.03.1 - 2022-03-04

  • Fix a bug where the severity of certificate digest findings in host scan reports was not set to low for self-signed certificates inside keystores.

22.03.0 - 2022-03-02

  • Fix potential database synchronization issues associated with the organization keys table and automated deletion of old reports.
  • Fix overflow of a table in the report print view.

22.02.4 - 2022-02-18

  • Add a completedAt: String field to the Report type in the GraphQL API.
  • Add a url: String field to the Instance type in the GraphQL API.

22.02.3 - 2022-02-16

  • Fix CSV export of findings: the file was empty for some types of reports.

22.02.2 - 2022-02-15

  • Add new application analysis rule: “Asymmetric key-transport key outside cryptoperiod”.
  • Enforce the uniqueness of project names within each organization.
  • In host scan reports, set severity of certificate digest findings to low if the certificate is self-signed.

22.02.1 - 2022-02-08

  • Maintenance release.

22.02.0 - 2022-02-01

  • Add organization keys tab. This shows all keys found in reports generated from now on. To see keys from old reports, you will need to run them again.

22.01.4 - 2022-01-31

  • Add help tooltips for some certificate filters: “Self-signed” and “CA certificates”.
  • Improve performance of the “Certificates” tabs in all analyzer reports.

22.01.3 - 2022-01-21

  • Fix database migration script.

22.01.2 - 2022-01-21

  • Add pagination information (page number and next/previous page links) to the bottom of paginated lists.
  • Fix serialization and parsing of some key metadata.

22.01.1 - 2022-01-14

  • Fix issue with the filters for self-signed and CA certificates that caused some certificates to be hidden.
  • Add filters for key lengths to the keys and certificates tabs.

22.01.0 - 2022-01-10

  • Hide the “has-private-key” attribute in the key detail page for symmetric keys.

21.12.2 - 2021-12-29

  • Improve the performance of the “Keys” tab in host scanner reports, especially when the database contains a large number of file entries.

21.12.1 - 2021-12-20

  • Add the following rules to Java analysis:
    • Invalid certificate
    • Certificate validity too long
  • Extract certificates from KeyStore.getCertificateChain calls in Java.
  • Show organization name on dashboard.

21.12.0 - 2021-12-13

  • Add filters for key file type in host scanner reports
  • Add filters for self-signed and CA certificates for Java and host scanner reports.
  • Operations are now ordered by last call
  • Include Host Scanner rules into tracer profiles
  • Display compatible APIs for rules on the profile page
  • Improve performance of the keys tab in host scan reports.
  • New projects are multi-type, they can handle multiple trace types at once and summarize them.

21.11.3 - 2021-11-26

  • Fix parsing of X.509 certificate extensions, which caused wrong interpretations of whether some certificates are CA certificates or not.

21.11.2 - 2021-11-25

  • On the certificate details page, show whether a certificate is self-signed or a CA certificate.
  • Added certificate expiration and stale key warning limits to the profile.

21.11.1 - 2021-11-18

  • Display file type in key information column for keys tab in host scan reports.
  • Fix bug where all key files in a host scan were categorized as SSH keys. Key files are now categorized as SSH, PGP, PKCS#8, etc.
  • Change location stats computation: previously it was counting instances; now it counts locations and the maximum severity per location.

21.11.0 - 2021-11-16

  • First numbered version.