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Maven Plugin getting started

Before you begin

Please make sure that you have the following information available:

  • Your AQtive Guard root URL - optional
    • For SaaS, the default URL is
    • For AQtive Guard on-premises, the URL will be in the form
  • Your AQtive Guard API Key - required
  • Your target project ID (projectId) - required. The project ID is the number that follows project in the project overview page URL:

  • Your target profile ID (profileId) - required. The profile ID is the number that follows profiles in the AQtive Guard web interface URL:


  1. Extract the package (example:
  2. Copy the extracted artifacts to a repository that Maven can access, such as a standalone directory in the filesystem or an internal Maven repository.


This archive only contains SandboxAQ artifacts. Maven will also need to download external dependencies from a public repository, such as Maven Central, or a private company-wide repository or equivalent.


This guide assumes that the Maven repository containing SandboxAQ artifacts is in the /path/to/cryptosense/repository directory on the filesystem.

Plugin repository

To add the SandboxAQ repository as a configured plugin repository, add the following to the project section of your pom.xml file:


Create an AQtive Guard build profile

The most flexible way to use the plugin is to create a build profile. Add the <profile> below to your pom.xml configuration:

            <version>MAVEN PLUGIN VERSION</version>  <!-- change this -->
              <apiUrl>AQtive Guard API URL</apiUrl>  <!-- change this -->
              <projectId>AQtive Guard PROJECT ID</projectId>  <!-- change this -->
              <profileId>AQtive Guard PROFILE ID</profileId>  <!-- change this -->

This code assumes that the API key will be provided as the CS_API_KEY environment variable.

Run tests with the plugin

When running your tests, add -P sandbox to enable the profile. For example, a full test suite (with trace upload) can be run using the command:

mvn clean install -P sandbox

This will run your tests with the SandboxAQ Java Tracer attached and will upload the results to the project chosen in the previous section.

To confirm the plugin was used, check the output to see if the inject-agent and generate-report goals were triggered as part of the build.

Next steps

Customize the prefix used for traces and reports

To customize the prefix used by the SandboxAQ Java agent when generating trace files (and therefore the uploaded traces and reports), add the following to the configuration in your pom.xml:
